STFC SCD Help Center Guide
Below is a guide on how to use the STFC SCD Help Centr request for support from STFC federating service team. Having an account will allow you to file and track your request more easily.
You can:
Sign Up for SCD Help Center
- Visit the STFC SCD Federating Service Team Help Center
- You will be asked to login with a email and if you are not signed up, you will be asked to sign-up with a email.
Login for help center Register for help center - You will recieve a email tittled
Finish signing up to Help Center
in your email. Please clickSign up
to continue your registration - Please set a name and a password
Form to register for help center - The accont is created and you will have access to the STFC SCD Help center
Raising a request for IRIS IAM/SKA IAM
- Navigate to STFC SCD Federating Service Team Help Center or select
Federating Service
- Select IAM
Federating Service help center - Select the catagories of request you want to raise.
- Please add discription and pictures/files if it will aid the diagnosis of your issue
Request filing form - Press Send and the request will be processed by the On-duty team in line with the SLA
- You should get a automatic response in your email after submitting the request.