The aiida-mlip plugin for AiiDA

aiida-mlip is available at


If you use this plugin for your research, please cite the following work:

Author Name1, Author Name2, Paper title, Jornal Name XXX, YYYY (Year).

If you use AiiDA for your research, please cite the following work:

Giovanni Pizzi, Andrea Cepellotti, Riccardo Sabatini, Nicola Marzari, and Boris Kozinsky, AiiDA: automated interactive infrastructure and database for computational science, Comp. Mat. Sci 111, 218-230 (2016);;

aiida-mlip is released under the BSD 3-Clause license.


Contributors to aiida-mlip were supported by

_images/psdi-100.webp _images/alc-100.webp _images/cosec-100.webp

Indices and tables