Training machine learning models

The Train class represents a CalcJob object within the AiiDA framework, designed for training machine learning models.


This calculation can be executed using either the run or submit AiiDA commands. Below is a usage example with some additional training parameters. These parameters must be AiiDA data types.

TrainCalculation = CalculationFactory("mlip.train")
submit(TrainCalculation, code=InstalledCode, mlip_config=JanusConfigfile, metadata=Dict({'options': {'output_filename': 'aiida-stdout.txt'}}))

The parameters are provided in a config file. Tha mandatory parameters are:

name: 'test'
train_file: "./tests/calculations/structures/"
valid_file: "./tests/calculations/structures/"
test_file: "./tests/calculations/structures/"

while the other parameters are optional. Here is an example (can be found in the tests folder) of a config file with more parameters:

name: 'test'
train_file: "./tests/calculations/structures/"
valid_file: "./tests/calculations/structures/"
test_file: "./tests/calculations/structures/"
# Optional parameters:
model: ScaleShiftMACE
loss: 'universal'
energy_weight: 1
forces_weight: 10
stress_weight: 100
compute_stress: True
energy_key: 'dft_energy'
forces_key: 'dft_forces'
stress_key: 'dft_stress'
eval_interval: 2
error_table: PerAtomRMSE
# main model params
interaction_first: "RealAgnosticResidualInteractionBlock"
interaction: "RealAgnosticResidualInteractionBlock"
num_interactions: 2
correlation: 3
max_ell: 3
r_max: 4.0
max_L: 0
num_channels: 16
num_radial_basis: 6
MLP_irreps: '16x0e'
# end model params
scaling: 'rms_forces_scaling'
lr: 0.005
weight_decay: 1e-8
ema: True
ema_decay: 0.995
scheduler_patience: 5
batch_size: 4
valid_batch_size: 4
max_num_epochs: 1
patience: 50
amsgrad: True
default_dtype: float32
device: cpu
distributed: False
clip_grad: 100
keep_checkpoints: False
keep_isolated_atoms: True
save_cpu: True

It is also possible to fine-tune models using the same type of Calcjob. In that case some additional parameters must be used: foundation_model and fine_tune.

inputs = {
     metadata=Dict({'options': {'output_filename': 'aiida-stdout.txt'}}),

TrainCalculation = CalculationFactory("mlip.train")

A model to fine-tune has to be provided as an input, either as a ModelData type (in which case it has to be a model file), or in the config file at the keyword foundation_model. If the keyword fine_tune is True but no model is given either way, it will return an error.


The keyword ‘model’ and ‘foundation_model’ refer to two different things. ‘foundation_model’ is the path to the model to fine-tune (or a shortcut like ‘small’, etc). ‘model’ refers to the model-type (see MACE documentation)


To facilitate the submission process and prepare inputs as AiiDA data types, an example script is provided. This script can be used as is or by changing, in the file, the path to the config file, then submitted to verdi as shown

verdi run