Source code for janus_core.helpers.struct_io

"""Module for functions for input and output of structures."""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Collection, Sequence
from copy import copy
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, get_args

from ase import Atoms
from import read, write
from import filetype

from janus_core.helpers.janus_types import (
from janus_core.helpers.mlip_calculators import choose_calculator
from janus_core.helpers.utils import none_to_dict

[docs] def results_to_info( struct: Atoms, *, properties: Collection[Properties] = (), invalidate_calc: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Copy or move MLIP calculated results to dict. Parameters ---------- struct Atoms object to copy or move calculated results to info dict. properties Properties to copy from results to info dict. Default is (). invalidate_calc Whether to remove all calculator results after copying properties to info dict. Default is False. """ if not properties: properties = get_args(Properties) if struct.calc and "model_path" in struct.calc.parameters:["model_path"] = struct.calc.parameters["model_path"] # Only add to info if MLIP calculator with "arch" parameter set if struct.calc and "arch" in struct.calc.parameters: arch = struct.calc.parameters["arch"]["arch"] = arch for key in properties & struct.calc.results.keys(): tag = f"{arch}_{key}" value = struct.calc.results[key] if key == "forces": struct.arrays[tag] = value else:[tag] = value # Remove all calculator results if invalidate_calc: struct.calc.results = {}
[docs] def attach_calculator( struct: MaybeSequence[Atoms], *, arch: Architectures = "mace_mp", device: Devices = "cpu", model_path: PathLike | None = None, calc_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> None: """ Configure calculator and attach to structure(s). Parameters ---------- struct ASE Atoms structure(s) to attach calculators to. arch MLIP architecture to use for calculations. Default is "mace_mp". device Device to run model on. Default is "cpu". model_path Path to MLIP model. Default is `None`. calc_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the selected calculator. Default is {}. """ (calc_kwargs,) = none_to_dict(calc_kwargs) calculator = choose_calculator( arch=arch, device=device, model_path=model_path, **calc_kwargs, ) if isinstance(struct, Sequence): for image in struct: image.calc = copy(calculator) else: struct.calc = calculator
[docs] def input_structs( struct: MaybeSequence[Atoms] | PathLike, *, read_kwargs: ASEReadArgs | None = None, sequence_allowed: bool = True, arch: Architectures = "mace_mp", device: Devices = "cpu", model_path: PathLike | None = None, calc_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, set_calc: bool | None = None, logger: logging.Logger | None = None, ) -> tuple[MaybeSequence[Atoms], PathLike | None]: """ Read input structures and/or attach MLIP calculators. Parameters ---------- struct ASE Atoms structure(s), or filepath to structure(s) to simulate. read_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to Default is {}. sequence_allowed Whether a sequence of Atoms objects is allowed. Default is True. arch MLIP architecture to use for calculations. Default is "mace_mp". device Device to run model on. Default is "cpu". model_path Path to MLIP model. Default is `None`. calc_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the selected calculator. Default is {}. set_calc Whether to set (new) calculators for structures. Default is True if `struct` is `PathLike` or `struct` is missing calculators, else default is False. logger Logger if log file has been specified. Default is None. Returns ------- tuple[MaybeSequence[Atoms], PathLike | None] Structure(s) with attached MLIP calculators. """ (read_kwargs,) = none_to_dict(read_kwargs) struct_path = struct if isinstance(struct, PathLike) else None # Read from file if struct_path: if logger:"Reading structures from file.") if not Path(struct_path).exists(): raise ValueError("`struct` file could not be found") struct = read(struct_path, **read_kwargs) if logger:"Structures read from file.") # Return single Atoms object if reading only one image if len(struct) == 1: struct = struct[0] # Check struct is valid type if not isinstance(struct, Atoms | Sequence) or isinstance(struct, str): raise ValueError("`struct` must be an ASE Atoms object or sequence of Atoms") # Check struct is valid length if not sequence_allowed and isinstance(struct, Sequence): raise NotImplementedError( "Only one Atoms object at a time can be used for this calculation" ) # If set_calc not specified, set to True if reading file or calculators not attached if set_calc is None: if struct_path: set_calc = True elif isinstance(struct, Atoms): set_calc = struct.calc is None elif isinstance(struct, Sequence): set_calc = any(image.calc is None for image in struct) if set_calc: if logger:"Attaching calculator to structure.") attach_calculator( struct=struct, arch=arch, device=device, model_path=model_path, calc_kwargs=calc_kwargs, ) if logger:"Calculator attached to structure.") return struct, struct_path
[docs] def output_structs( images: MaybeSequence[Atoms], *, struct_path: PathLike | None = None, set_info: bool = True, write_results: bool = False, properties: Collection[Properties] = (), invalidate_calc: bool = False, write_kwargs: ASEWriteArgs | None = None, ) -> None: """ Copy or move calculated results to dict and/or write structures to file. Parameters ---------- images Atoms object or a list of Atoms objects to interact with. struct_path Path of structure being simulated. If specified, the file stem is added to the info dict under "system_name". Default is None. set_info True to set info dict from calculated results. Default is True. write_results True to write out structure with results of calculations. Default is False. properties Properties to copy from calculated results to info dict. Default is (). invalidate_calc Whether to remove all calculator results after copying properties to info dict. Default is False. write_kwargs Keyword arguments passed to Default is {}. """ # Separate kwargs for output_structs from kwargs for # This assumes values passed via kwargs have priority over passed parameters (write_kwargs,) = none_to_dict(write_kwargs) set_info = write_kwargs.pop("set_info", set_info) properties = write_kwargs.pop("properties", properties) invalidate_calc = write_kwargs.pop("invalidate_calc", invalidate_calc) if isinstance(images, Atoms): images = (images,) if set_info: for image in images: results_to_info( image, properties=properties, invalidate_calc=invalidate_calc ) else: # Label architecture even if not copying results to info for image in images: if image.calc and "arch" in image.calc.parameters:["arch"] = image.calc.parameters["arch"] if image.calc and "model_path" in image.calc.parameters:["model_path"] = image.calc.parameters["model_path"] # Add label for system for image in images: if struct_path and "system_name" not in["system_name"] = Path(struct_path).stem if write_results: # Check required filename is specified if "filename" not in write_kwargs: raise ValueError( "`filename` must be specified in `write_kwargs` to write results" ) # Get format of file to be written write_format = write_kwargs.get( "format", filetype(write_kwargs["filename"], read=False) ) # write_results is only a valid kwarg for extxyz if write_format == "extxyz": write_kwargs.setdefault("write_results", not invalidate_calc) else: write_kwargs.pop("write_results", None) write(images=images, **write_kwargs)