BaseTest Class:

The BaseTest class stores the protocols, endpoints and ports to generate scenarios with. Methods and attributes of this class are inherited by the subclasses: ReadWriteTest, MetadataTest and TPCTest

class BaseTest( configFile=None, createFiles=False, root=True, https=True, davs=True )

A configuration file can be passed upon instantiation of the subclasses containing the endpoint, file path and optional port.

Optionally, specifying a directory, file name(s) and file size(s) in the config file and instantiating with createFiles=True will generate these files in the provided directory.

To exclude up to two of the protocols from being used, they can be toggled to False when instantiating the subclass

BaseTest Methods:

This class has the following accessory methods that can be used for test setup/teardown by the user:

method xrdadler32( filePath )

Uses the xrdadler32 shell script to obtain an adler32 checksum of any single file. The checksum is hexadecimal and of type big-Endian.


  • filePath (string) – A path to the file, local or on the endpoint

         Returns the checksum as a string

     Return type:

method unsetCreds( vomsProxy=None, bearerToken=None, x509User=None )

Temporarily removes the VOMS proxy token file from the given directory and copies it to a temporary location, and un-sets the BEARER_TOKEN and X509_USER_PROXY environmental variables.


  • vomsProxy (string, optional) – A path to the VOMS proxy file
  • bearerToken (string, optional) – Value of the BEARER_TOKEN environmental variable
  • X509_USER_PROXY (string, optional) – Value of the X509_USER_PROXY environmental variable


method resetCreds( vomsProxy=None, bearerToken=None, x509User=None )

Restores the VOMS proxy token file to the given directory, and resets the BEARER_TOKEN and X509_USER_PROXY environmental variables with the given values.


  • vomsProxy (string, optional) – A path to the VOMS proxy file
  • bearerToken (string, optional) – Value of the BEARER_TOKEN environmental variable
  • X509_USER_PROXY (string, optional) – Value of the X509_USER_PROXY environmental variable


method cleanup()

Removes the files generated from the configuration file when the class was instantiated.

