TPDeletion Test Setup:

This test setup uses the method genTimedScenarios to transfer a file from site A to site B, and then back. This method generates the commands, then runs each command (default: 3) times.

NOTE: The TPCTest object will automatically transfer a local file to site A when using action='copy'

Next, genTimedScenarios is used to delete the files from the destination, which is once again performed in triplicate, and timed. The outputs and average times are obtained.
Finally, genTimedScenarios is used to checksum each deleted file on the two sites. The average time for the deletions is stored in the outputs[‘cmdOuts’] key.

def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    RWTest = ReadWriteTest(configFile="../TestClasses/ConfigReadWrite.yaml")
    TPC = TPCopyTest(configFile='../TestClasses/ConfigTPC.yaml')
    test_name = metafunc.function.__name__
    class_name = metafunc.cls.__name__


    elif class_name == 'Test_TPDeletion_Performance':
        if test_name == 'test_40MB':
            FILENAME = 'tst40M.txt'

            loop.run_until_complete(TPC.genScenarios('copy', sourcePath=f"../TestData/{FILENAME}", 
                                    sourceBaseNm=FILENAME, destinBaseNm=FILENAME, 
                                    xrdArgs=f'--force', gfalArgs='--force', timeout=10))

            outputs = loop.run_until_complete(TPC.genTimedScenarios('delete', 
                                    sourceBaseNm=FILENAME, destinBaseNm=FILENAME))           

            destsums = loop.run_until_complete(TPC.genScenarios('checksum', sourceBaseNm=FILENAME, 
            testCases = zip(outputs['cmdOuts'], destsums['destsums'], destsums['cmdOuts'])
            ids = outputs['IDs']
            metafunc.parametrize("cmdOuts, destsums, destderrs", testCases, ids=ids)

TPDeletion Test Function:

This example test checks that the average deletion time is under a target time. The target time is calculated by dividing the file size in MB by the target rate(s) in MB/s.
A buffer of 2 seconds is used to account for the time taken to establish and close the network connection.

For each output in the pair:
If the deletion’s returncode is 0, the destsums cannot be found due to a missing file, and the average time is below the target maximum time, then the test will pass.

class Test_Deletion_Performance:
    BUFFER = 2 #seconds
    # UK Sites: 60 MB/s target, Non-UK 120 MB/s
    def test_40MB(self, cmdOuts, destsums, destderrs):
        UKtarget = (40 / 60) + BUFFER #seconds
        NonUKtarget = (40 / 120) + BUFFER

        for i in range(len(cmdOuts)):
            returncode, stdout, stderr, avgTime = cmdOuts[i]
            destsum, destderr = destsums[i], destderrs[i]
            throughput = 40 / avgTime 
            assert returncode == 0; f"Deletion failed: {stderr}, {stdout}"
            assert destsum == None and "file not found" in destderr.casefold(), f"Deletion failed: Destsum: {destsum} Error: {destderr}"

            assert avgTime <= NonUKtarget; f"Throughput rate {throughput} MB/s did not reach target rate: {NonUKtarget}/ 120 MB/s"
            assert avgTime <= UKtarget; f"Throughput rate {throughput} MB/s did not reach target rate: {UKtarget}/ 60 MB/s"


$ pytest -v

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