Source code for aiida_mlip.calculations.singlepoint

"""Class to run single point calculations."""

from aiida.common import datastructures
import aiida.common.folders
from aiida.engine import CalcJobProcessSpec
import aiida.engine.processes
from aiida.orm import Dict, SinglefileData, Str

from aiida_mlip.calculations.base import BaseJanus

[docs] class Singlepoint(BaseJanus): # numpydoc ignore=PR01 """ Calcjob implementation to run single point calculations using mlips. Attributes ---------- XYZ_OUTPUT : str Default xyz output file name. Methods ------- define(spec: CalcJobProcessSpec) -> None: Define the process specification, its inputs, outputs and exit codes. validate_inputs(value: dict, port_namespace: PortNamespace) -> Optional[str]: Check if the inputs are valid. prepare_for_submission(folder: Folder) -> CalcInfo: Create the input files for the `CalcJob`. """ XYZ_OUTPUT = ""
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec: CalcJobProcessSpec) -> None: """ Define the process specification, its inputs, outputs and exit codes. Parameters ---------- spec : `aiida.engine.CalcJobProcessSpec` The calculation job process spec to define. """ super().define(spec) # Define inputs spec.input( "out", valid_type=Str, required=False, default=lambda: Str(cls.XYZ_OUTPUT), help="Name of the xyz output file", ) spec.input( "properties", valid_type=Str, required=False, help="Properties to calculate", ) spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"]["parser_name"].default = "mlip.sp_parser" # Define outputs. The default is a dictionary with the content of the xyz file spec.output( "results_dict", valid_type=Dict, help="The `results_dict` output node of the successful calculation.", ) spec.output("xyz_output", valid_type=SinglefileData) print("defining outputnode") spec.default_output_node = "results_dict"
[docs] def prepare_for_submission( self, folder: aiida.common.folders.Folder ) -> datastructures.CalcInfo: """ Create the input files for the `Calcjob`. Parameters ---------- folder : aiida.common.folders.Folder Folder where the calculation is run. Returns ------- aiida.common.datastructures.CalcInfo An instance of `aiida.common.datastructures.CalcInfo`. """ # Call the parent class method to prepare common inputs calcinfo = super().prepare_for_submission(folder) codeinfo = calcinfo.codes_info[0] # Adding command line params for when we run janus # singlepoint is overwriting the placeholder "calculation" from the file codeinfo.cmdline_params[0] = "singlepoint" # The inputs are saved in the node, but we want their value as a string xyz_filename = (self.inputs.out).value codeinfo.cmdline_params += ["--out", xyz_filename] if "properties" in self.inputs: properties = codeinfo.cmdline_params += ["--properties", properties] calcinfo.retrieve_list.append(xyz_filename) return calcinfo