Source code for aiida_mlip.parsers.train_parser

"""Parser for mlip train."""

import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

from aiida.engine import ExitCode
from aiida.orm import Dict, FolderData
from aiida.orm.nodes.process.process import ProcessNode
from aiida.parsers.parser import Parser

from import ModelData

[docs] class TrainParser(Parser): """ Parser class for parsing output of calculation. Parameters ---------- node : aiida.orm.nodes.process.process.ProcessNode ProcessNode of calculation. Methods ------- __init__(node: aiida.orm.nodes.process.process.ProcessNode) Initialize the TrainParser instance. parse(**kwargs: Any) -> int: Parse outputs, store results in the database. _get_remote_dirs(mlip_dict: [str, Any]) -> [str, Path]: Get the remote directories based on mlip config file. _validate_retrieved_files(output_filename: str, model_name: str) -> bool: Validate that the expected files have been retrieved. _save_models(model_output: Path, compiled_model_output: Path) -> None: Save model and compiled model as outputs. _parse_results(result_name: Path) -> None: Parse the results file and store the results dictionary. _save_folders(remote_dirs: [str, Path]) -> None: Save log and checkpoint folders as outputs. Returns ------- int An exit code. Raises ------ exceptions.ParsingError If the ProcessNode being passed was not produced by a `Train` Calcjob. """
[docs] def __init__(self, node: ProcessNode): """ Initialize the TrainParser instance. Parameters ---------- node : aiida.orm.nodes.process.process.ProcessNode ProcessNode of calculation. """ super().__init__(node)
[docs] def parse(self, **kwargs: Any) -> int: """ Parse outputs and store results in the database. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : Any Any keyword arguments. Returns ------- int An exit code. """ mlip_dict = self.node.inputs.mlip_config.as_dictionary output_filename = self.node.get_option("output_filename") remote_dirs = self._get_remote_dirs(mlip_dict) model_output = remote_dirs["model"] / f"{mlip_dict['name']}.model" compiled_model_output = ( remote_dirs["model"] / f"{mlip_dict['name']}_compiled.model" ) result_name = remote_dirs["results"] / f"{mlip_dict['name']}_run-123_train.txt" if not self._validate_retrieved_files(output_filename, mlip_dict["name"]): return self.exit_codes.ERROR_MISSING_OUTPUT_FILES self._save_models(model_output, compiled_model_output) self._parse_results(result_name) self._save_folders(remote_dirs) return ExitCode(0)
[docs] def _get_remote_dirs(self, mlip_dict: dict) -> dict: """ Get the remote directories based on mlip config file. Parameters ---------- mlip_dict : dict Dictionary containing mlip config file. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of remote directories. """ rem_dir = Path(self.node.get_remote_workdir()) return { typ: rem_dir / mlip_dict.get(f"{typ}_dir", default) for typ, default in ( ("log", "logs"), ("checkpoint", "checkpoints"), ("results", "results"), ("model", ""), ) }
[docs] def _validate_retrieved_files(self, output_filename: str, model_name: str) -> bool: """ Validate that the expected files have been retrieved. Parameters ---------- output_filename : str The expected output filename. model_name : str The name of the model as found in the config file key `name`. Returns ------- bool True if the expected files are retrieved, False otherwise. """ files_retrieved = self.retrieved.list_object_names() files_expected = {output_filename, f"{model_name}.model"} if not files_expected.issubset(files_retrieved): self.logger.error( f"Found files '{files_retrieved}', expected to find '{files_expected}'" ) return False return True
[docs] def _save_models(self, model_output: Path, compiled_model_output: Path) -> None: """ Save model and compiled model as outputs. Parameters ---------- model_output : Path Path to the model output file. compiled_model_output : Path Path to the compiled model output file. """ architecture = "mace_mp" model = ModelData.from_local(model_output, architecture=architecture) compiled_model = ModelData.from_local( compiled_model_output, architecture=architecture ) self.out("model", model) self.out("compiled_model", compiled_model)
[docs] def _parse_results(self, result_name: Path) -> None: """ Parse the results file and store the results dictionary. Parameters ---------- result_name : Path Path to the result file. """ with open(result_name, encoding="utf-8") as file: last_dict_str = None for line in file: try: last_dict_str = json.loads(line.strip()) except json.JSONDecodeError: continue if last_dict_str is not None: results_node = Dict(last_dict_str) self.out("results_dict", results_node) else: raise ValueError("No valid dictionary in the file")
[docs] def _save_folders(self, remote_dirs: dict) -> None: """ Save log and checkpoint folders as outputs. Parameters ---------- remote_dirs : dict Dictionary of remote folders. """ log_node = FolderData(tree=remote_dirs["log"]) self.out("logs", log_node) checkpoint_node = FolderData(tree=remote_dirs["checkpoint"]) self.out("checkpoints", checkpoint_node)