Source code for janus_core.calculations.geom_opt

"""Prepare and run geometry optimization."""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable
from typing import Any
import warnings

from ase import Atoms, filters, units
from ase.filters import FrechetCellFilter
from import read
import ase.optimize
from ase.optimize import LBFGS
from numpy import linalg

from janus_core.calculations.base import BaseCalculation
from janus_core.helpers.janus_types import (
from janus_core.helpers.struct_io import output_structs
from janus_core.helpers.utils import none_to_dict
from janus_core.processing.symmetry import snap_symmetry, spacegroup

[docs] class GeomOpt(BaseCalculation): """ Prepare and run geometry optimization. Parameters ---------- struct ASE Atoms structure, or filepath to structure to simulate. arch MLIP architecture to use for optimization. Default is "mace_mp". device Device to run MLIP model on. Default is "cpu". model_path Path to MLIP model. Default is `None`. read_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to By default, read_kwargs["index"] is -1. calc_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the selected calculator. Default is {}. set_calc Whether to set (new) calculators for structures. Default is None. attach_logger Whether to attach a logger. Default is True if "filename" is passed in log_kwargs, else False. log_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_logger`. Default is {}. track_carbon Whether to track carbon emissions of calculation. Requires attach_logger. Default is True if attach_logger is True, else False. tracker_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_tracker`. Default is {}. file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from structure. fmax Set force convergence criteria for optimizer in units eV/Å. Default is 0.1. steps Set maximum number of optimization steps to run. Default is 1000. symmetrize Whether to refine symmetry after geometry optimization. Default is False. symmetry_tolerance Atom displacement tolerance for spglib symmetry determination, in Å. Default is 0.001. angle_tolerance Angle precision for spglib symmetry determination, in degrees. Default is -1.0, which means an internally optimized routine is used to judge symmetry. filter_func Filter function, or name of function from ase.filters to apply constraints to atoms. Default is `FrechetCellFilter`. filter_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to filter_func. Default is {}. optimizer Optimization function, or name of function from ase.optimize. Default is `LBFGS`. opt_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to optimizer. Default is {}. write_results True to write out optimized structure. Default is False. write_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to to save optimized structure. Default is {}. write_traj Whether to save a trajectory file of optimization frames. traj_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to to save optimization trajectory. "filename" keyword is inferred from `file_prefix` if not given. Default is {}. """
[docs] def __init__( self, struct: Atoms | PathLike, arch: Architectures = "mace_mp", device: Devices = "cpu", model_path: PathLike | None = None, read_kwargs: ASEReadArgs | None = None, calc_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, set_calc: bool | None = None, attach_logger: bool | None = None, log_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, track_carbon: bool | None = None, tracker_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, file_prefix: PathLike | None = None, fmax: float = 0.1, steps: int = 1000, symmetrize: bool = False, symmetry_tolerance: float = 0.001, angle_tolerance: float = -1.0, filter_func: Callable | str | None = FrechetCellFilter, filter_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, optimizer: Callable | str = LBFGS, opt_kwargs: ASEOptArgs | None = None, write_results: bool = False, write_kwargs: OutputKwargs | None = None, write_traj: bool = False, traj_kwargs: OutputKwargs | None = None, ) -> None: """ Initialise GeomOpt class. Parameters ---------- struct ASE Atoms structure, or filepath to structure to simulate. arch MLIP architecture to use for optimization. Default is "mace_mp". device Device to run MLIP model on. Default is "cpu". model_path Path to MLIP model. Default is `None`. read_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to By default, read_kwargs["index"] is -1. calc_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the selected calculator. Default is {}. set_calc Whether to set (new) calculators for structures. Default is None. attach_logger Whether to attach a logger. Default is True if "filename" is passed in log_kwargs, else False. log_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_logger`. Default is {}. track_carbon Whether to track carbon emissions of calculation. Requires attach_logger. Default is True if attach_logger is True, else False. tracker_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_tracker`. Default is {}. file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from structure. fmax Set force convergence criteria for optimizer in units eV/Å. Default is 0.1. steps Set maximum number of optimization steps to run. Default is 1000. symmetrize Whether to refine symmetry after geometry optimization. Default is False. symmetry_tolerance Atom displacement tolerance for spglib symmetry determination, in Å. Default is 0.001. angle_tolerance Angle precision for spglib symmetry determination, in degrees. Default is -1.0, which means an internally optimized routine is used to judge symmetry. filter_func Filter function, or name of function from ase.filters to apply constraints to atoms. Default is `FrechetCellFilter`. filter_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to filter_func. Default is {}. optimizer Optimization function, or name of function from ase.optimize. Default is `LBFGS`. opt_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to optimizer. Default is {}. write_results True to write out optimized structure. Default is False. write_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to to save optimized structure. Default is {}. write_traj Whether to save a trajectory file of optimization frames. traj_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to to save optimization trajectory. "filename" keyword is inferred from `file_prefix` if not given. Default is {}. """ read_kwargs, filter_kwargs, opt_kwargs, write_kwargs, traj_kwargs = ( none_to_dict( read_kwargs, filter_kwargs, opt_kwargs, write_kwargs, traj_kwargs ) ) self.fmax = fmax self.steps = steps self.symmetrize = symmetrize self.symmetry_tolerance = symmetry_tolerance self.angle_tolerance = angle_tolerance self.filter_func = filter_func self.filter_kwargs = filter_kwargs self.optimizer = optimizer self.opt_kwargs = opt_kwargs self.write_results = write_results self.write_kwargs = write_kwargs self.write_traj = write_traj self.traj_kwargs = traj_kwargs # Read last image by default read_kwargs.setdefault("index", -1) # Initialise structures and logging super().__init__( struct=struct, calc_name=__name__, arch=arch, device=device, model_path=model_path, read_kwargs=read_kwargs, sequence_allowed=False, calc_kwargs=calc_kwargs, set_calc=set_calc, attach_logger=attach_logger, log_kwargs=log_kwargs, track_carbon=track_carbon, tracker_kwargs=tracker_kwargs, file_prefix=file_prefix, ) if not self.struct.calc: raise ValueError("Please attach a calculator to `struct`.") # Set output files self.write_kwargs.setdefault("filename", None) self.write_kwargs["filename"] = self._build_filename( "opt.extxyz", filename=self.write_kwargs["filename"] ).absolute() if self.write_traj: self.traj_kwargs.setdefault( "filename", self._build_filename("traj.extxyz").absolute() ) self.opt_kwargs.setdefault("trajectory", str(self.traj_kwargs["filename"])) elif self.traj_kwargs: raise ValueError("traj_kwargs given, but trajectory writing not enabled.") elif "trajectory" in self.opt_kwargs: raise ValueError( '"trajectory" given in opt_kwargs,but trajectory writing not enabled.' ) # Configure optimizer dynamics self.set_optimizer()
[docs] def set_optimizer(self) -> None: """Set optimizer for geometry optimization.""" self._set_functions() if self.logger:"Using optimizer: %s", self.optimizer.__name__) if self.filter_func is not None: if "scalar_pressure" in self.filter_kwargs: self.filter_kwargs["scalar_pressure"] *= units.GPa self.filtered_struct = self.filter_func(self.struct, **self.filter_kwargs) self.dyn = self.optimizer(self.filtered_struct, **self.opt_kwargs) if self.logger:"Using filter: %s", self.filter_func.__name__) if "hydrostatic_strain" in self.filter_kwargs: "hydrostatic_strain: %s", self.filter_kwargs["hydrostatic_strain"], ) if "constant_volume" in self.filter_kwargs: "constant_volume: %s", self.filter_kwargs["constant_volume"] ) if "scalar_pressure" in self.filter_kwargs: "scalar_pressure: %s GPa", self.filter_kwargs["scalar_pressure"] / units.GPa, ) else: self.dyn = self.optimizer(self.struct, **self.opt_kwargs)
[docs] def _set_functions(self) -> None: """Set optimizer and filter functions.""" if isinstance(self.optimizer, str): try: self.optimizer = getattr(ase.optimize, self.optimizer) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError(f"No such optimizer: {self.optimizer}") from e if self.filter_func is not None and isinstance(self.filter_func, str): try: self.filter_func = getattr(filters, self.filter_func) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError(f"No such filter: {self.filter_func}") from e
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Run geometry optimization.""" s_grp = spacegroup(self.struct, self.symmetry_tolerance, self.angle_tolerance)["initial_spacegroup"] = s_grp if self.logger:"Before optimisation spacegroup: %s", s_grp) if self.logger:"Starting geometry optimization") if self.tracker: self.tracker.start_task("Geometry optimization") self._set_info_units() converged =, steps=self.steps) # Calculate current maximum force if self.filter_func is not None: max_force = linalg.norm(self.filtered_struct.get_forces(), axis=1).max() else: max_force = linalg.norm(self.struct.get_forces(), axis=1).max() if self.symmetrize: snap_symmetry(self.struct, self.symmetry_tolerance) # Update max force old_max_force = max_force struct = ( self.filtered_struct if self.filter_func is not None else self.struct ) max_force = linalg.norm(struct.get_forces(), axis=1).max() if max_force >= old_max_force: warnings.warn( "Refining symmetry increased the maximum force", stacklevel=2 ) s_grp = spacegroup(self.struct, self.symmetry_tolerance, self.angle_tolerance)["final_spacegroup"] = s_grp if self.logger:"After optimization spacegroup: %s", s_grp)"Max force: %s", max_force)"Final energy: %s", self.struct.get_potential_energy()) if not converged: warnings.warn( f"Optimization has not converged after {self.steps} steps. " f"Current max force {max_force} > target force {self.fmax}", stacklevel=2, ) # Write out optimized structure output_structs( self.struct, struct_path=self.struct_path, write_results=self.write_results, write_kwargs=self.write_kwargs, ) # Reformat trajectory file from binary if self.write_traj: traj = read(self.opt_kwargs["trajectory"], index=":") output_structs( traj, struct_path=self.struct_path, write_results=True, write_kwargs=self.traj_kwargs, ) if self.logger:"Geometry optimization complete") if self.tracker: emissions = self.tracker.stop_task().emissions["emissions"] = emissions self.tracker.stop()