Source code for

"""Run molecular dynamics simulations."""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Sequence
import datetime
from functools import partial
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
from math import isclose
from os.path import getmtime
from pathlib import Path
import random
from typing import Any
from warnings import warn

from ase import Atoms
from ase.geometry.analysis import Analysis
from import read
from import Bussi
from import Langevin
from import NPT as ASE_NPT
from import (
from import VelocityVerlet
from ase.units import create_units
import numpy as np
import yaml

from janus_core.calculations.base import UNITS as JANUS_UNITS
from janus_core.calculations.base import BaseCalculation
from janus_core.calculations.geom_opt import GeomOpt
from janus_core.helpers.janus_types import (
from janus_core.helpers.struct_io import input_structs, output_structs
from janus_core.helpers.utils import none_to_dict, set_minimize_logging, write_table
from janus_core.processing.correlator import Correlation
from janus_core.processing.post_process import compute_rdf, compute_vaf

units = create_units("2014")
DENS_FACT = (units.m / 1.0e2) ** 3 / units.mol

[docs] class MolecularDynamics(BaseCalculation): """ Configure shared molecular dynamics simulation options. Parameters ---------- struct ASE Atoms structure, or filepath to structure to simulate. arch MLIP architecture to use for simulation. Default is "mace_mp". device Device to run MLIP model on. Default is "cpu". model_path Path to MLIP model. Default is `None`. read_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to By default, read_kwargs["index"] is -1. calc_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the selected calculator. Default is {}. set_calc Whether to set (new) calculators for structures. Default is None. attach_logger Whether to attach a logger. Default is True if "filename" is passed in log_kwargs, else False. log_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_logger`. Default is {}. track_carbon Whether to track carbon emissions of calculation. Requires attach_logger. Default is True if attach_logger is True, else False. tracker_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_tracker`. Default is {}. struct Structure to simulate. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is None. steps Number of steps in simulation. Default is 0. timestep Timestep for integrator, in fs. Default is 1.0. temp Temperature, in K. Default is 300. equil_steps Maximum number of steps at which to perform optimization and reset velocities. Default is 0. minimize Whether to minimize structure during equilibration. Default is False. minimize_every Frequency of minimizations. Default is -1, which disables minimization after beginning dynamics. minimize_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to geometry optimizer. Default is {}. rescale_velocities Whether to rescale velocities. Default is False. remove_rot Whether to remove rotation. Default is False. rescale_every Frequency to rescale velocities. Default is 10. file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from structure, ensemble, and temperature. restart Whether restarting dynamics. Default is False. restart_auto Whether to infer restart file name if restarting dynamics. Default is True. restart_stem Stem for restart file name. Default inferred from `file_prefix`. restart_every Frequency of steps to save restart info. Default is 1000. rotate_restart Whether to rotate restart files. Default is False. restarts_to_keep Restart files to keep if rotating. Default is 4. final_file File to save final configuration at each temperature of similation. Default inferred from `file_prefix`. stats_file File to save thermodynamical statistics. Default inferred from `file_prefix`. stats_every Frequency to output statistics. Default is 100. traj_file Trajectory file to save. Default inferred from `file_prefix`. traj_append Whether to append trajectory. Default is False. traj_start Step to start saving trajectory. Default is 0. traj_every Frequency of steps to save trajectory. Default is 100. temp_start Temperature to start heating, in K. Default is None, which disables heating. temp_end Maximum temperature for heating, in K. Default is None, which disables heating. temp_step Size of temperature steps when heating, in K. Default is None, which disables heating. temp_time Time between heating steps, in fs. Default is None, which disables heating. write_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `output_structs` when saving trajectory and final files. Default is {}. post_process_kwargs Keyword arguments to control post-processing operations. correlation_kwargs Keyword arguments to control on-the-fly correlations. seed Random seed used by numpy.random and random functions, such as in Langevin. Default is None. Attributes ---------- dyn : Dynamics Dynamics object to run simulation. n_atoms : int Number of atoms in structure being simulated. restart_files : list[PathLike] List of files saved to restart dynamics. offset : int Number of previous steps if restarting simulation. created_final : bool Whether the final structure file has been created. """
[docs] def __init__( self, struct: Atoms | PathLike, arch: Architectures = "mace_mp", device: Devices = "cpu", model_path: PathLike | None = None, read_kwargs: ASEReadArgs | None = None, calc_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, set_calc: bool | None = None, attach_logger: bool | None = None, log_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, track_carbon: bool | None = None, tracker_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ensemble: Ensembles | None = None, steps: int = 0, timestep: float = 1.0, temp: float = 300, equil_steps: int = 0, minimize: bool = False, minimize_every: int = -1, minimize_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, rescale_velocities: bool = False, remove_rot: bool = False, rescale_every: int = 10, file_prefix: PathLike | None = None, restart: bool = False, restart_auto: bool = True, restart_stem: PathLike | None = None, restart_every: int = 1000, rotate_restart: bool = False, restarts_to_keep: int = 4, final_file: PathLike | None = None, stats_file: PathLike | None = None, stats_every: int = 100, traj_file: PathLike | None = None, traj_append: bool = False, traj_start: int = 0, traj_every: int = 100, temp_start: float | None = None, temp_end: float | None = None, temp_step: float | None = None, temp_time: float | None = None, write_kwargs: OutputKwargs | None = None, post_process_kwargs: PostProcessKwargs | None = None, correlation_kwargs: list[CorrelationKwargs] | None = None, seed: int | None = None, ) -> None: """ Initialise molecular dynamics simulation configuration. Parameters ---------- struct ASE Atoms structure, or filepath to structure to simulate. arch MLIP architecture to use for simulation. Default is "mace_mp". device Device to run MLIP model on. Default is "cpu". model_path Path to MLIP model. Default is `None`. read_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to By default, read_kwargs["index"] is -1. calc_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the selected calculator. Default is {}. set_calc Whether to set (new) calculators for structures. Default is None. attach_logger Whether to attach a logger. Default is True if "filename" is passed in log_kwargs, else False. log_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_logger`. Default is {}. track_carbon Whether to track carbon emissions of calculation. Requires attach_logger. Default is True if attach_logger is True, else False. tracker_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_tracker`. Default is {}. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is None. steps Number of steps in simulation. Default is 0. timestep Timestep for integrator, in fs. Default is 1.0. temp Temperature, in K. Default is 300. equil_steps Maximum number of steps at which to perform optimization and reset velocities. Default is 0. minimize Whether to minimize structure during equilibration. Default is False. minimize_every Frequency of minimizations. Default is -1, which disables minimization after beginning dynamics. minimize_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to geometry optimizer. Default is {}. rescale_velocities Whether to rescale velocities. Default is False. remove_rot Whether to remove rotation. Default is False. rescale_every Frequency to rescale velocities. Default is 10. file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from structure, ensemble, and temperature. restart Whether restarting dynamics. Default is False. restart_auto Whether to infer restart file name if restarting dynamics. Default is True. restart_stem Stem for restart file name. Default inferred from `file_prefix`. restart_every Frequency of steps to save restart info. Default is 1000. rotate_restart Whether to rotate restart files. Default is False. restarts_to_keep Restart files to keep if rotating. Default is 4. final_file File to save final configuration at each temperature of similation. Default inferred from `file_prefix`. stats_file File to save thermodynamical statistics. Default inferred from `file_prefix`. stats_every Frequency to output statistics. Default is 100. traj_file Trajectory file to save. Default inferred from `file_prefix`. traj_append Whether to append trajectory. Default is False. traj_start Step to start saving trajectory. Default is 0. traj_every Frequency of steps to save trajectory. Default is 100. temp_start Temperature to start heating, in K. Default is None, which disables heating. temp_end Maximum temperature for heating, in K. Default is None, which disables heating. temp_step Size of temperature steps when heating, in K. Default is None, which disables heating. temp_time Time between heating steps, in fs. Default is None, which disables heating. write_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `output_structs` when saving trajectory and final files. Default is {}. post_process_kwargs Keyword arguments to control post-processing operations. correlation_kwargs Keyword arguments to control on-the-fly correlations. seed Random seed used by numpy.random and random functions, such as in Langevin. Default is None. """ ( read_kwargs, minimize_kwargs, write_kwargs, post_process_kwargs, correlation_kwargs, ) = none_to_dict( read_kwargs, minimize_kwargs, write_kwargs, post_process_kwargs, correlation_kwargs, ) self.ensemble = ensemble self.steps = steps self.timestep = timestep * units.fs self.temp = temp self.equil_steps = equil_steps self.minimize = minimize self.minimize_every = minimize_every self.minimize_kwargs = minimize_kwargs self.rescale_velocities = rescale_velocities self.remove_rot = remove_rot self.rescale_every = rescale_every self.restart = restart self.restart_auto = restart_auto self.restart_stem = restart_stem self.restart_every = restart_every self.rotate_restart = rotate_restart self.restarts_to_keep = restarts_to_keep self.final_file = final_file self.stats_file = stats_file self.stats_every = stats_every self.traj_file = traj_file self.traj_append = traj_append self.traj_start = traj_start self.traj_every = traj_every self.temp_start = temp_start self.temp_end = temp_end self.temp_step = temp_step self.temp_time = temp_time * units.fs if temp_time else None self.write_kwargs = write_kwargs self.post_process_kwargs = post_process_kwargs self.correlation_kwargs = correlation_kwargs self.seed = seed if "append" in self.write_kwargs: raise ValueError("`append` cannot be specified when writing files") # Check temperatures for heating differ if self.temp_start is not None and self.temp_start == self.temp_end: raise ValueError("Start and end temperatures must be different") # Warn if attempting to rescale/minimize during dynamics # but equil_steps is too low if rescale_velocities and equil_steps < rescale_every: warn( "Velocities and angular momentum will not be reset during dynamics", stacklevel=2, ) if minimize and equil_steps < minimize_every: warn("Geometry will not be minimized during dynamics", stacklevel=2) # Warn if attempting to remove rotation without resetting velocities if remove_rot and not rescale_velocities: warn( "Rotation will not be removed unless `rescale_velocities` is True", stacklevel=2, ) # Warn if mix of None and not None self.ramp_temp = ( self.temp_start is not None and self.temp_end is not None and self.temp_step and self.temp_time ) if ( self.temp_start is not None or self.temp_end is not None or self.temp_step or self.temp_time ) and not self.ramp_temp: warn( "`temp_start`, `temp_end` and `temp_step` must all be specified for " "heating to run", stacklevel=2, ) if self.ramp_temp: if self.ensemble in ("nve", "nph"): raise ValueError( "Temperature ramp requested for ensemble with no thermostat" ) # Validate start and end temperatures if self.temp_start < 0 or self.temp_end < 0: raise ValueError("Start and end temperatures must be positive") if self.temp_time < self.timestep: raise ValueError( "Temperature ramp step time cannot be less than 1 timestep" ) # Read last image by default read_kwargs.setdefault("index", -1) self.param_prefix = self._set_param_prefix(file_prefix) # Initialise structures and logging super().__init__( struct=struct, calc_name=__name__, arch=arch, device=device, model_path=model_path, read_kwargs=read_kwargs, sequence_allowed=False, calc_kwargs=calc_kwargs, set_calc=set_calc, attach_logger=attach_logger, log_kwargs=log_kwargs, track_carbon=track_carbon, tracker_kwargs=tracker_kwargs, file_prefix=file_prefix, additional_prefix=self.ensemble, param_prefix=self.param_prefix, ) if not self.struct.calc: raise ValueError("Please attach a calculator to `struct`.") # Set output file names self.final_file = self._build_filename( "final.extxyz", self.param_prefix, filename=self.final_file ) self.stats_file = self._build_filename( "stats.dat", self.param_prefix, filename=self.stats_file ) self.traj_file = self._build_filename( "traj.extxyz", self.param_prefix, filename=self.traj_file ) # If not specified otherwise, save optimized structure consistently with others opt_file = self._build_filename("opt.extxyz", self.param_prefix, filename=None) # Set defaults default_columns = ["symbols", "positions", "momenta", "masses"] if not write_kwargs.get("invalidate_calc", False): default_columns.append("forces") if "arch" in self.struct.calc.parameters and write_kwargs.get("set_info", True): default_columns.append(f"{self.arch}_forces") self.write_kwargs.setdefault("columns", default_columns) if "write_kwargs" in self.minimize_kwargs: # Use _build_filename even if given filename to ensure directory exists self.minimize_kwargs["write_kwargs"].setdefault("filename", None) self.minimize_kwargs["write_kwargs"]["filename"] = self._build_filename( "", filename=self.minimize_kwargs["write_kwargs"]["filename"] ).absolute() # Assume if write_kwargs are specified that results should be written self.minimize_kwargs.setdefault("write_results", True) else: self.minimize_kwargs["write_kwargs"] = {"filename": opt_file} # Use MD logger for geometry optimization set_minimize_logging( self.logger, self.minimize_kwargs, self.log_kwargs, track_carbon ) self.dyn: Langevin | VelocityVerlet | ASE_NPT self.n_atoms = len(self.struct) self.offset = 0 if self.restart: self._prepare_restart() self.restart_files = [] self.created_final_file = False if "masses" not in self.struct.arrays: self.struct.set_masses() if self.seed: np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed) self._parse_correlations()
[docs] def _set_info(self) -> None: """Set time in fs, current dynamics step, and density to info.""" time = (self.offset * self.timestep + self.dyn.get_time()) / units.fs step = self.offset + self.dyn.nsteps["time"] = time["step"] = step try: density = ( np.sum(self.dyn.atoms.get_masses()) / self.dyn.atoms.get_volume() * DENS_FACT )["density"] = density except ValueError:["density"] = 0.0
[docs] def _prepare_restart(self) -> None: """Prepare restart files, structure and offset.""" # Check offset can be read from steps try: with open(self.stats_file, encoding="utf8") as stats_file: last_line = stats_file.readlines()[-1].split() try: self.offset = int(last_line[0]) except (IndexError, ValueError) as e: raise ValueError("Unable to read restart file") from e except FileNotFoundError as e: raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to read restart file") from e if self.restart_auto: # Attempt to infer restart file restart_stem = self._restart_stem # Use otherwise T300.0 etc. counts as extension poss_restarts = restart_stem.parent.glob(f"{}*.extxyz") try: last_restart = max(poss_restarts, key=getmtime) # Read in last structure self.struct, self.struct_path = input_structs( struct=last_restart, read_kwargs=self.read_kwargs, sequence_allowed=False, arch=self.arch, device=self.device, model_path=self.model_path, calc_kwargs=self.calc_kwargs, set_calc=True, logger=self.logger, ) # Infer last dynamics step last_stem = last_restart.stem try: # Remove restart_stem from filename # Use otherwise T300.0 etc. counts as extension self.offset = int(last_stem.split("-")[-1]) # Check "-" not inlcuded in offset assert self.offset > 0 except (ValueError, AssertionError) as e: raise ValueError( f"Unable to infer final dynamics step from {last_restart}" ) from e if self.logger:"Auto restart successful") except IndexError: if self.logger: "Auto restart failed with stem: %s. Using `struct`", restart_stem, ) # Check files exist to append if not self.stats_file.exists() or not self.traj_file.exists(): raise ValueError( "Statistics and trajectory files must already exist to restart " "simulation" )
[docs] def _rotate_restart_files(self) -> None: """Rotate restart files.""" if len(self.restart_files) > self.restarts_to_keep: path = Path(self.restart_files.pop(0)) path.unlink(missing_ok=True)
[docs] def _set_velocity_distribution(self) -> None: """ Set velocities to current target temperature. Sets Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution, as well as removing centre-of-mass momentum, and (optionally) total angular momentum. """ atoms = self.struct MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, temperature_K=self.temp) Stationary(atoms) if self.logger:"Velocities reset at step %s", self.dyn.nsteps) if self.remove_rot: ZeroRotation(atoms) if self.logger:"Rotation reset at step %s", self.dyn.nsteps)
[docs] def _reset_velocities(self) -> None: """Reset velocities and (optionally) rotation of system while equilibrating.""" if self.dyn.nsteps < self.equil_steps: self._set_velocity_distribution()
[docs] def _optimize_structure(self) -> None: """Perform geometry optimization.""" if self.dyn.nsteps == 0 or self.dyn.nsteps < self.equil_steps: if self.logger:"Minimizing at step %s", self.dyn.nsteps) optimizer = GeomOpt(self.struct, **self.minimize_kwargs)
[docs] def _set_param_prefix(self, file_prefix: PathLike | None = None) -> str: """ Set ensemble parameters for output files. Parameters ---------- file_prefix Prefix for output filenames on class init. If not None, param_prefix = "". Returns ------- str Formatted ensemble parameters, including temp ramp range and/or and MD temp. """ if file_prefix is not None: return "" temperature_prefix = "" if self.temp_start is not None and self.temp_end is not None: temperature_prefix += f"-T{self.temp_start}-T{self.temp_end}" if self.steps > 0: temperature_prefix += f"-T{self.temp}" return temperature_prefix.lstrip("-")
@property def _restart_stem(self) -> str: """ Stem for restart files. Restart files will be named {restart_stem}-{step}.extxyz. If file_prefix is specified, restart_stem will be of the form {file_prefix}-{param_prefix}-res. Returns ------- str Stem for restart files. """ if self.restart_stem is not None: return Path(self.restart_stem) # param_prefix is empty if file_prefix was None on init return Path( "-".join(filter(None, (str(self.file_prefix), self.param_prefix, "res"))) ) @property def _restart_file(self) -> str: """ Restart file name. Returns ------- str File name for restart files. """ step = self.offset + self.dyn.nsteps return self._build_filename( f"{step}.extxyz", prefix_override=self._restart_stem )
[docs] def _parse_correlations(self) -> None: """Parse correlation kwargs into Correlations.""" if self.correlation_kwargs: self._correlations = [Correlation(**cor) for cor in self.correlation_kwargs] else: self._correlations = ()
[docs] def _attach_correlations(self) -> None: """Attach all correlations to self.dyn.""" for i, _ in enumerate(self._correlations): self.dyn.attach( partial(lambda i: self._correlations[i].update(self.dyn.atoms), i), self._correlations[i].update_frequency, )
[docs] def _write_correlations(self) -> None: """Write out the correlations.""" if self._correlations: with open( self._build_filename("cor.dat", self.param_prefix), "w", encoding="utf-8", ) as out_file: data = {} for cor in self._correlations: value, lags = cor.get() data[str(cor)] = {"value": value.tolist(), "lags": lags.tolist()} yaml.dump(data, out_file, default_flow_style=None)
[docs] def get_stats(self) -> dict[str, float]: """ Get thermodynamical statistics to be written to file. Returns ------- dict[str, float] Thermodynamical statistics to be written out. """ e_pot = self.dyn.atoms.get_potential_energy() / self.n_atoms e_kin = self.dyn.atoms.get_kinetic_energy() / self.n_atoms current_temp = e_kin / (1.5 * units.kB) self._set_info() time_now = real_time = time_now -["real_time"]["real_time"] = time_now try: volume = self.dyn.atoms.get_volume() pressure = ( -np.trace( self.dyn.atoms.get_stress(include_ideal_gas=True, voigt=False) ) / 3 / units.GPa ) pressure_tensor = ( -self.dyn.atoms.get_stress(include_ideal_gas=True, voigt=True) / units.GPa ) except ValueError: volume = 0.0 pressure = 0.0 pressure_tensor = np.zeros(6) return { "Step":["step"], "Real_Time": real_time.total_seconds(), "Time":["time"], "Epot/N": e_pot, "EKin/N": e_kin, "T": current_temp, "ETot/N": e_pot + e_kin, "Density":["density"], "Volume": volume, "P": pressure, "Pxx": pressure_tensor[0], "Pyy": pressure_tensor[1], "Pzz": pressure_tensor[2], "Pyz": pressure_tensor[3], "Pxz": pressure_tensor[4], "Pxy": pressure_tensor[5], }
@property def unit_info(self) -> dict[str, str]: """ Get units of returned statistics. Returns ------- dict[str, str] Units attached to statistical properties. """ return { "Step": None, "Real_Time": JANUS_UNITS["real_time"], "Time": JANUS_UNITS["time"], "Epot/N": JANUS_UNITS["energy"], "EKin/N": JANUS_UNITS["energy"], "T": JANUS_UNITS["temperature"], "ETot/N": JANUS_UNITS["energy"], "Density": JANUS_UNITS["density"], "Volume": JANUS_UNITS["volume"], "P": JANUS_UNITS["pressure"], "Pxx": JANUS_UNITS["pressure"], "Pyy": JANUS_UNITS["pressure"], "Pzz": JANUS_UNITS["pressure"], "Pyz": JANUS_UNITS["pressure"], "Pxz": JANUS_UNITS["pressure"], "Pxy": JANUS_UNITS["pressure"], } @property def default_formats(self) -> dict[str, str]: """ Default format of returned statistics. Returns ------- dict[str, str] Default formats attached to statistical properties. """ return { "Step": "10d", "Real_Time": ".3f", "Time": "13.2f", "Epot/N": ".8e", "EKin/N": ".8e", "T": ".3f", "ETot/N": ".8e", "Density": ".3f", "Volume": ".8e", "P": ".8e", "Pxx": ".8e", "Pyy": ".8e", "Pzz": ".8e", "Pyz": ".8e", "Pxz": ".8e", "Pxy": ".8e", }
[docs] def _write_header(self) -> None: """Write header for stats file.""" with open(self.stats_file, "a", encoding="utf-8") as stats_file: write_table( "ascii", file=stats_file, units=self.unit_info, **{key: () for key in self.unit_info}, )
[docs] def _write_stats_file(self) -> None: """Write molecular dynamics statistics.""" stats = self.get_stats() # Do not print step 0 for restarts if self.restart and self.dyn.nsteps == 0: return with open(self.stats_file, "a", encoding="utf8") as stats_file: write_table( "ascii", file=stats_file, units=self.unit_info, formats=self.default_formats, print_header=False, **stats, )
[docs] def _write_traj(self) -> None: """Write current structure to trajectory file.""" # Do not save step 0 for restarts if self.restart and self.dyn.nsteps == 0: return if self.dyn.nsteps >= self.traj_start: # Append if restarting or already started writing append = self.restart or ( self.dyn.nsteps > self.traj_start + self.traj_start % self.traj_every ) self._set_info() write_kwargs = self.write_kwargs write_kwargs["filename"] = self.traj_file write_kwargs["append"] = append output_structs( images=self.struct, struct_path=self.struct_path, write_results=True, write_kwargs=write_kwargs, )
[docs] def _write_final_state(self) -> None: """Write the final system state."""["temperature"] = self.temp if isinstance(self, NPT) and not isinstance(self, NVT_NH):["pressure"] = self.pressure # Append if final file has been created append = self.created_final_file self._set_info() write_kwargs = self.write_kwargs write_kwargs["filename"] = self.final_file write_kwargs["append"] = append output_structs( images=self.struct, struct_path=self.struct_path, write_results=True, write_kwargs=write_kwargs, )
[docs] def _post_process(self) -> None: """Compute properties after MD run.""" # Nothing to do if not any( self.post_process_kwargs.get(kwarg, None) for kwarg in ("rdf_compute", "vaf_compute") ): warn( "Post-processing arguments present, but no computation requested. " "Please set either 'rdf_compute' or 'vaf_compute' " "to do post-processing.", stacklevel=2, ) data = read(self.traj_file, index=":") ana = Analysis(data) if self.post_process_kwargs.get("rdf_compute", False): base_name = self.post_process_kwargs.get("rdf_output_file", None) rdf_args = { name: self.post_process_kwargs.get(key, default) for name, (key, default) in ( ("rmax", ("rdf_rmax", 2.5)), ("nbins", ("rdf_nbins", 50)), ("elements", ("rdf_elements", None)), ("by_elements", ("rdf_by_elements", False)), ) } slice_ = ( self.post_process_kwargs.get("rdf_start", len(data) - 1), self.post_process_kwargs.get("rdf_stop", len(data)), self.post_process_kwargs.get("rdf_step", 1), ) rdf_args["index"] = slice_ if rdf_args["by_elements"]: elements = ( tuple(sorted(set(data[0].get_chemical_symbols()))) if rdf_args["elements"] is None else rdf_args["elements"] ) out_paths = [ self._build_filename( "rdf.dat", self.param_prefix, "_".join(element), prefix_override=base_name, ) for element in combinations_with_replacement(elements, 2) ] else: out_paths = [ self._build_filename( "rdf.dat", self.param_prefix, prefix_override=base_name ) ] compute_rdf(data, ana, filenames=out_paths, **rdf_args) if self.post_process_kwargs.get("vaf_compute", False): file_names = self.post_process_kwargs.get("vaf_output_files", None) use_vel = self.post_process_kwargs.get("vaf_velocities", False) fft = self.post_process_kwargs.get("vaf_fft", False) if not isinstance(file_names, Sequence): file_names = (file_names,) out_paths = tuple( self._build_filename("vaf.dat", self.param_prefix, filename=file_name) for file_name in file_names ) slice_ = ( self.post_process_kwargs.get("vaf_start", 0), self.post_process_kwargs.get("vaf_stop", None), self.post_process_kwargs.get("vaf_step", 1), ) compute_vaf( data, out_paths, use_velocities=use_vel, fft=fft, index=slice_, atoms_filter=self.post_process_kwargs.get("vaf_atoms", None), )
[docs] def _write_restart(self) -> None: """Write restart file and (optionally) rotate files saved.""" step = self.offset + self.dyn.nsteps if step > 0: write_kwargs = self.write_kwargs write_kwargs["filename"] = self._restart_file self._set_info() output_structs( images=self.struct, struct_path=self.struct_path, write_results=True, write_kwargs=write_kwargs, ) if self.rotate_restart: self.restart_files.append(self._restart_file) self._rotate_restart_files()
[docs] def _set_target_temperature(self, temperature: float): """ Set the target temperature of the thermostat. Parameters ---------- temperature New target temperature, in K. """ if hasattr(self.dyn, "set_temperature"): self.dyn.set_temperature(temperature_K=temperature) elif isinstance(self, NVT_CSVR): self.dyn.temp = temperature * units.kB self.dyn.target_kinetic_energy = 0.5 * self.dyn.temp * self.dyn.ndof elif isinstance(self, NPT_MTK): kt = temperature * units.kB self.dyn._kT = kt self.dyn._thermostat._kT = kt self.dyn._barostat._kT = kt else: raise ValueError("Temperature set for ensemble with no thermostat.")
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Run molecular dynamics simulation and/or temperature ramp.""" unit_keys = ( "energy", "forces", "stress", "time", "real_time", "temperature", "pressure", "density", "momenta", ) self._set_info_units(unit_keys) if not self.restart: if self.minimize: self._optimize_structure() if self.rescale_velocities: self._reset_velocities() if self.offset == 0: self._write_header() self.dyn.attach(self._write_stats_file, interval=self.stats_every) self.dyn.attach(self._write_traj, interval=self.traj_every) self.dyn.attach(self._write_restart, interval=self.restart_every) self._attach_correlations() if self.rescale_velocities: self.dyn.attach(self._reset_velocities, interval=self.rescale_every) if self.minimize and self.minimize_every > 0: self.dyn.attach(self._optimize_structure, interval=self.minimize_every) # Note current time["real_time"] = self._run_dynamics() if self.post_process_kwargs: self._post_process() self._write_correlations()
[docs] def _run_dynamics(self) -> None: """Run dynamics and/or temperature ramp.""" # Store temperature for final MD md_temp = self.temp if self.ramp_temp: self.temp = self.temp_start # Set velocities to match current temperature if not self.restart: self._set_velocity_distribution() # Run temperature ramp if self.ramp_temp: heating_steps = int(self.temp_time // self.timestep) if self.logger and not np.isclose(self.temp_time % self.timestep, 0.0): rounded_temp_step = heating_steps * self.timestep / units.fs "Temperature ramp step time rounded to nearest timestep " f"({rounded_temp_step:.5} fs)" ) # Always include start temperature in ramp, and include end temperature # if separated by an integer number of temperature steps n_temps = int(1 + abs(self.temp_end - self.temp_start) // self.temp_step) # Add or subtract temperatures ramp_sign = 1 if (self.temp_end - self.temp_start) > 0 else -1 temps = [ self.temp_start + ramp_sign * i * self.temp_step for i in range(n_temps) ] if self.restart: ramp_steps_completed = self.offset // heating_steps ramp_steps_completed = min(ramp_steps_completed, len(temps)) if isclose(self.temp_start, 0.0): # T~0K steps do not run any MD, so are not included in the offset. # We have to account for that step manually. ramp_steps_completed += 1 temps = temps[ramp_steps_completed:] if temps: if self.logger:"Beginning temperature ramp at %sK", temps[0]) if self.tracker: self.tracker.start_task("Temperature ramp") first_step = True for temp in temps: self.temp = temp steps = heating_steps if first_step: first_step = False steps -= self.offset % heating_steps self._set_velocity_distribution() if isclose(temp, 0.0): # Calculate forces and energies to be output self.struct.get_potential_energy() self.struct.get_forces() self._write_final_state() self.created_final_file = True continue self._set_target_temperature(temp) self._write_final_state() self.created_final_file = True if temps: if self.logger:"Temperature ramp complete at %sK", temps[-1]) if self.tracker: emissions = self.tracker.stop_task().emissions["emissions"] = emissions md_offset = self.offset if self.restart and self.ramp_temp: # Take the ramp time off the offset for MD. # If restarting during the ramp, MD has no offset. md_offset = max(0, md_offset - heating_steps * n_temps) # Run MD if self.steps > 0: if self.logger:"Starting molecular dynamics simulation") if self.tracker: self.tracker.start_task("Molecular dynamics") self.temp = md_temp if self.ramp_temp: self._set_velocity_distribution() self._set_target_temperature(self.temp) - md_offset) self._write_final_state() self.created_final_file = True if self.logger:"Molecular dynamics simulation complete") if self.tracker: emissions = self.tracker.stop_task().emissions["emissions"] = emissions self.tracker.stop()
[docs] class NPT(MolecularDynamics): """ Configure NPT dynamics. Parameters ---------- *args Additional arguments. thermostat_time Thermostat time, in fs. Default is 50.0. barostat_time Barostat time, in fs. Default is 75.0. bulk_modulus Bulk modulus, in GPa. Default is 2.0. pressure Pressure, in GPa. Default is 0.0. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is "npt". file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from structure, ensemble, temperature, and pressure. ensemble_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to ensemble initialization. Default is {}. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, thermostat_time: float = 50.0, barostat_time: float = 75.0, bulk_modulus: float = 2.0, pressure: float = 0.0, ensemble: Ensembles = "npt", file_prefix: PathLike | None = None, ensemble_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Initialise dynamics for NPT simulation. Parameters ---------- *args Additional arguments. thermostat_time Thermostat time, in fs. Default is 50.0. barostat_time Barostat time, in fs. Default is 75.0. bulk_modulus Bulk modulus, in GPa. Default is 2.0. pressure Pressure, in GPa. Default is 0.0. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is "npt". file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from structure, ensemble, temperature, and pressure. ensemble_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to ensemble initialization. Default is {}. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """ self.pressure = pressure super().__init__(*args, ensemble=ensemble, file_prefix=file_prefix, **kwargs) (ensemble_kwargs,) = none_to_dict(ensemble_kwargs) self.ttime = thermostat_time * units.fs if barostat_time: pfactor = barostat_time**2 * bulk_modulus if self.logger:"NPT pfactor=%s GPa fs^2", pfactor) # convert the pfactor to ASE internal units pfactor *= units.fs**2 * units.GPa else: pfactor = None self.dyn = ASE_NPT( self.struct, timestep=self.timestep, temperature_K=self.temp, ttime=self.ttime, pfactor=pfactor, append_trajectory=self.traj_append, externalstress=self.pressure * units.GPa, **ensemble_kwargs, )
[docs] def _set_param_prefix(self, file_prefix: PathLike | None = None) -> str: """ Set ensemble parameters for output files. Parameters ---------- file_prefix Prefix for output filenames on class init. If not None, param_prefix = "". Returns ------- str Formatted ensemble parameters, including pressure and temperature(s). """ if file_prefix is not None: return "" return f"{super()._set_param_prefix(file_prefix)}-p{self.pressure}"
[docs] def get_stats(self) -> dict[str, float]: """ Get thermodynamical statistics to be written to file. Returns ------- dict[str, float] Thermodynamical statistics to be written out. """ stats = super().get_stats() stats |= {"Target_P": self.pressure, "Target_T": self.temp} return stats
@property def unit_info(self) -> dict[str, str]: """ Get units of returned statistics. Returns ------- dict[str, str] Units attached to statistical properties. """ return super().unit_info | { "Target_P": JANUS_UNITS["pressure"], "Target_T": JANUS_UNITS["temperature"], } @property def default_formats(self) -> dict[str, str]: """ Default format of returned statistics. Returns ------- dict[str, str] Default formats attached to statistical properties. """ return super().default_formats | {"Target_P": ".5f", "Target_T": ".5f"}
[docs] class NVT(MolecularDynamics): """ Configure NVT simulation. Parameters ---------- *args Additional arguments. friction Friction coefficient in fs^-1. Default is 0.005. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is "nvt". ensemble_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to ensemble initialization. Default is {}. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, friction: float = 0.005, ensemble: Ensembles = "nvt", ensemble_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Initialise dynamics for NVT simulation. Parameters ---------- *args Additional arguments. friction Friction coefficient in fs^-1. Default is 0.005. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is "nvt". ensemble_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to ensemble initialization. Default is {}. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(*args, ensemble=ensemble, **kwargs) (ensemble_kwargs,) = none_to_dict(ensemble_kwargs) self.dyn = Langevin( self.struct, timestep=self.timestep, temperature_K=self.temp, friction=friction / units.fs, append_trajectory=self.traj_append, **ensemble_kwargs, )
[docs] def get_stats(self) -> dict[str, float]: """ Get thermodynamical statistics to be written to file. Returns ------- dict[str, float] Thermodynamical statistics to be written out. """ stats = MolecularDynamics.get_stats(self) stats |= {"Target_T": self.temp} return stats
@property def unit_info(self) -> dict[str, str]: """ Get units of returned statistics. Returns ------- dict[str, str] Units attached to statistical properties. """ return super().unit_info | {"Target_T": JANUS_UNITS["temperature"]} @property def default_formats(self) -> dict[str, str]: """ Default format of returned statistics. Returns ------- dict[str, str] Default formats attached to statistical properties. """ return super().default_formats | {"Target_T": ".5f"}
[docs] class NVE(MolecularDynamics): """ Configure NVE simulation. Parameters ---------- *args Additional arguments. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is "nve". ensemble_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to ensemble initialization. Default is {}. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, ensemble: Ensembles = "nve", ensemble_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Initialise dynamics for NVE simulation. Parameters ---------- *args Additional arguments. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is "nve". ensemble_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to ensemble initialization. Default is {}. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(*args, ensemble=ensemble, **kwargs) (ensemble_kwargs,) = none_to_dict(ensemble_kwargs) self.dyn = VelocityVerlet( self.struct, timestep=self.timestep, append_trajectory=self.traj_append, **ensemble_kwargs, )
[docs] class NVT_NH(MolecularDynamics): # noqa: N801 (invalid-class-name) """ Configure NVT Nosé-Hoover simulation. Parameters ---------- *args Additional arguments. thermostat_time Thermostat time, in fs. Default is 50.0. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is "nvt-nh". file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from structure, ensemble, temperature, and pressure. ensemble_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to ensemble initialization. Default is {}. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, thermostat_time: float = 50.0, ensemble: Ensembles = "nvt-nh", file_prefix: PathLike | None = None, ensemble_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Initialise dynamics for NVT Nosé-Hoover simulation. Parameters ---------- *args Additional arguments. thermostat_time Thermostat time, in fs. Default is 50.0. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is "nvt-nh". file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from structure, ensemble, temperature, and pressure. ensemble_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to ensemble initialization. Default is {}. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(*args, ensemble=ensemble, file_prefix=file_prefix, **kwargs) (ensemble_kwargs,) = none_to_dict(ensemble_kwargs) self.ttime = thermostat_time * units.fs self.dyn = ASE_NPT( self.struct, timestep=self.timestep, temperature_K=self.temp, ttime=self.ttime, append_trajectory=self.traj_append, **ensemble_kwargs, )
[docs] def get_stats(self) -> dict[str, float]: """ Get thermodynamical statistics to be written to file. Returns ------- dict[str, float] Thermodynamical statistics to be written out. """ stats = super().get_stats() stats |= {"Target_T": self.temp} return stats
@property def unit_info(self) -> dict[str, str]: """ Get units of returned statistics. Returns ------- dict[str, str] Units attached to statistical properties. """ return super().unit_info | {"Target_T": JANUS_UNITS["temperature"]} @property def default_formats(self) -> dict[str, str]: """ Default format of returned statistics. Returns ------- dict[str, str] Default formats attached to statistical properties. """ return super().default_formats | {"Target_T": ".5f"}
[docs] class NVT_CSVR(NVT): # noqa: N801 (invalid-class-name) """ Configure NVT simulation using CSVR thermostat proposed by Bussi et al. Parameters ---------- *args Additional arguments. taut Time constant for CSVR thermostat coupling, in fs. Default is 100.0. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is "nvt-csvr". ensemble_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to ensemble initialization. Default is {}. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, taut: float = 100.0, ensemble: Ensembles = "nvt-csvr", ensemble_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Initialise dynamics for NVT simulation using CSVR thermostat. Parameters ---------- *args Additional arguments. taut Time constant for CSVR thermostat coupling, in fs. Defaylt is 100.0. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is "nvt-csvr". ensemble_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to ensemble initialization. Default is {}. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(*args, ensemble=ensemble, **kwargs) (ensemble_kwargs,) = none_to_dict(ensemble_kwargs) # Velocity distribution must be non-zero before dynamics is set if np.isclose(self.struct.get_kinetic_energy(), 0.0, rtol=0, atol=1e-12): if self.logger: self.logger.warning("Velocities modified during MD initialisation") self._set_velocity_distribution() self.dyn = Bussi( self.struct, timestep=self.timestep, temperature_K=self.temp, taut=taut * units.fs, **ensemble_kwargs, )
[docs] class NPH(MolecularDynamics): """ Configure NPH simulation. Parameters ---------- *args Additional arguments. barostat_time Barostat time, in fs. Default is 75.0. bulk_modulus Bulk modulus, in GPa. Default is 2.0. pressure Pressure, in GPa. Default is 0.0. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is "nph". file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from structure, ensemble, temperature, and pressure. ensemble_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to ensemble initialization. Default is {}. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, barostat_time: float = 75.0, bulk_modulus: float = 2.0, pressure: float = 0.0, ensemble: Ensembles = "nph", file_prefix: PathLike | None = None, ensemble_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Initialise dynamics for NPH simulation. Parameters ---------- *args Additional arguments. barostat_time Barostat time, in fs. Default is 75.0. bulk_modulus Bulk modulus, in GPa. Default is 2.0. pressure Pressure, in GPa. Default is 0.0. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is "nph". file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from structure, ensemble, temperature, and pressure. ensemble_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to ensemble initialization. Default is {}. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """ self.pressure = pressure super().__init__(*args, ensemble=ensemble, file_prefix=file_prefix, **kwargs) (ensemble_kwargs,) = none_to_dict(ensemble_kwargs) pfactor = barostat_time**2 * bulk_modulus if self.logger:"NPT pfactor=%s GPa fs^2", pfactor) # convert the pfactor to ASE internal units pfactor *= units.fs**2 * units.GPa self.dyn = ASE_NPT( self.struct, timestep=self.timestep, temperature_K=self.temp, ttime=None, pfactor=pfactor, append_trajectory=self.traj_append, externalstress=self.pressure * units.GPa, **ensemble_kwargs, )
[docs] def _set_param_prefix(self, file_prefix: PathLike | None = None) -> str: """ Set ensemble parameters for output files. Parameters ---------- file_prefix Prefix for output filenames on class init. If not None, param_prefix = "". Returns ------- str Formatted ensemble parameters, including pressure and temperature(s). """ if file_prefix is not None: return "" return f"{super()._set_param_prefix(file_prefix)}-p{self.pressure}"
[docs] def get_stats(self) -> dict[str, float]: """ Get thermodynamical statistics to be written to file. Returns ------- dict[str, float] Thermodynamical statistics to be written out. """ stats = super().get_stats() stats |= {"Target_P": self.pressure} return stats
@property def unit_info(self) -> dict[str, str]: """ Get units of returned statistics. Returns ------- dict[str, str] Units attached to statistical properties. """ return super().unit_info | { "Target_P": JANUS_UNITS["pressure"], } @property def default_formats(self) -> dict[str, str]: """ Default format of returned statistics. Returns ------- dict[str, str] Default formats attached to statistical properties. """ return super().default_formats | {"Target_P": ".5f"}
[docs] class NPT_MTK(MolecularDynamics): # noqa: N801 (invalid-class-name) """ Configure NPT simulation using isotropic (MTK) thermostat and barostat chains. Parameters ---------- *args Additional arguments. pressure Pressure, in GPa. Default is 0.0. thermostat_time Thermostat time, in fs. Default is 100 times `timestep`. barostat_time Barostat time, in fs. Default is 1000 times `timestep`. thermostat_chain Length of thermostat chain. Default is 3. barostat_chain Length of barostat chain. Default is 3. thermostat_substeps The number of sub-steps in thermostat integration. Default is 1. barostat_substeps The number of sub-steps in barostat integration. Default is 1. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is "npt-mtk". ensemble_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to ensemble initialization. Default is {}. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, pressure: float = 0.0, thermostat_time: float = 100.0, barostat_time: float = 1000.0, thermostat_chain: int = 3, barostat_chain: int = 3, thermostat_substeps: int = 1, barostat_substeps: int = 1, ensemble: Ensembles = "npt-mtk", ensemble_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Initialise dynamics for isotropic NPT simulation. Parameters ---------- *args Additional arguments. pressure Pressure, in GPa. Default is 0.0. thermostat_time Thermostat time, in fs. Recommended value is 100 times `timestep`. Default is 100 fs. barostat_time Barostat time, in fs. Recommended value is 1000 times `timestep`. Default is 1000 fs. thermostat_chain Length of thermostat chain. Default is 3. barostat_chain Length of barostat chain. Default is 3. thermostat_substeps The number of sub-steps in thermostat integration. Default is 1. barostat_substeps The number of sub-steps in barostat integration. Default is 1. ensemble Name for thermodynamic ensemble. Default is "npt-mtk". ensemble_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to ensemble initialization. Default is {}. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """ try: from import ( IsotropicMTKNPT as ASE_NPT_MTK, # noqa: N814 (camelcase-imported-as-constant) ) except ImportError as e: raise NotImplementedError( "Please download the latest ASE commits to use this module" ) from e self.pressure = pressure super().__init__(*args, ensemble=ensemble, **kwargs) (ensemble_kwargs,) = none_to_dict(ensemble_kwargs) self.dyn = ASE_NPT_MTK( self.struct, timestep=self.timestep, temperature_K=self.temp, pressure_au=self.pressure * units.GPa, tdamp=thermostat_time * units.fs, pdamp=barostat_time * units.fs, tchain=thermostat_chain, pchain=barostat_chain, tloop=thermostat_substeps, ploop=barostat_substeps, **ensemble_kwargs, )
[docs] def _set_param_prefix(self, file_prefix: PathLike | None = None) -> str: """ Set ensemble parameters for output files. Parameters ---------- file_prefix Prefix for output filenames on class init. If not None, param_prefix = "". Returns ------- str Formatted ensemble parameters, including pressure and temperature(s). """ if file_prefix is not None: return "" pressure = f"-p{self.pressure}" return f"{super()._set_param_prefix(file_prefix)}{pressure}"
[docs] def get_stats(self) -> dict[str, float]: """ Get thermodynamical statistics to be written to file. Returns ------- dict[str, float] Thermodynamical statistics to be written out. """ stats = MolecularDynamics.get_stats(self) stats |= {"Target_P": self.pressure, "Target_T": self.temp} return stats
@property def unit_info(self) -> dict[str, str]: """ Get units of returned statistics. Returns ------- dict[str, str] Units attached to statistical properties. """ return super().unit_info | { "Target_P": JANUS_UNITS["pressure"], "Target_T": JANUS_UNITS["temperature"], } @property def default_formats(self) -> dict[str, str]: """ Default format of returned statistics. Returns ------- dict[str, str] Default formats attached to statistical properties. """ return super().default_formats | {"Target_P": ".5f", "Target_T": ".5f"}