Source code for janus_core.calculations.neb

"""Prepare and run Nudged Elastic Band method."""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable, Sequence
from copy import copy
from typing import Any

from ase import Atoms
import ase.mep
from ase.mep import NEB as ASE_NEB
from ase.mep import NEBTools
from ase.mep.neb import NEBOptimizer
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError
from import AseAtomsAdaptor

from janus_core.calculations.base import BaseCalculation
from janus_core.calculations.geom_opt import GeomOpt
from janus_core.helpers.janus_types import (
from janus_core.helpers.struct_io import input_structs, output_structs
from janus_core.helpers.utils import none_to_dict, set_minimize_logging

[docs] class NEB(BaseCalculation): """ Prepare and run Nudged Elastic Band method. Parameters ---------- init_struct Initial ASE Atoms structure, or filepath to structure to simulate. final_struct Final ASE Atoms structure, or filepath to structure to simulate. Any attached calculators will be replaced with a copy matching the one attached to init_struct. Default is None. band_structs Band of ASE Atoms images, or filepath to images, to optimize, skipping interpolation between the initial and final structures. Sets `interpolator` to None. arch MLIP architecture to use for Nudged Elastic Band method. Default is "mace_mp". device Device to run MLIP model on. Default is "cpu". model_path Path to MLIP model. Default is `None`. read_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to By default, read_kwargs["index"] is -1 if using `init_struct` and `final_struct`, or ":" for `band_structs`. calc_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the selected calculator. Default is {}. set_calc Whether to set (new) calculators for structures. Default is None. attach_logger Whether to attach a logger. Default is True if "filename" is passed in log_kwargs, else False. log_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_logger`. Default is {}. track_carbon Whether to track carbon emissions of calculation. Requires attach_logger. Default is True if attach_logger is True, else False. tracker_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_tracker`. Default is {}. neb_class Nudged Elastic Band class to use. Default is ase.mep.NEB. neb_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to neb_class. Default is {}. n_images Number of images to use in NEB. Default is 15. write_results Whether to write out results from NEB. Default is True. write_band Whether to write out all band images after optimization. Default is False. write_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to when writing images. interpolator Choice of interpolation strategy. Default is "ase" if using `init_struct` and `final_struct`, or None if using `band_structs`. interpolator_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to interpolator. Default is {"method": "idpp"} for "ase" interpolator, or {"interpolate_lattices": False, "autosort_tol", 0.5} for "pymatgen". optimizer Optimizer to apply to NEB object. Default is NEBOptimizer. fmax Maximum force for NEB optimizer. Default is 0.1. steps Maximum number of steps to optimize NEB. Default is 100. optimizer_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to optimizer. Deault is {}. plot_band Whether to plot and save NEB band. Default is False. minimize Whether to perform geometry optimisation on initial and final structures. Default is False. minimize_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to geometry optimizer. Default is {}. file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from the intial structure name, or chemical formula of the intial structure. """
[docs] def __init__( self, init_struct: Atoms | PathLike | None = None, final_struct: Atoms | PathLike | None = None, band_structs: Sequence[Atoms] | PathLike | None = None, arch: Architectures = "mace_mp", device: Devices = "cpu", model_path: PathLike | None = None, read_kwargs: ASEReadArgs | None = None, calc_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, set_calc: bool | None = None, attach_logger: bool | None = None, log_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, track_carbon: bool | None = None, tracker_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, neb_class: Callable | str = ASE_NEB, neb_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, n_images: int = 15, write_results: bool = True, write_band: bool = False, write_kwargs: OutputKwargs | None = None, interpolator: Interpolators | None = "ase", interpolator_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, optimizer: Callable | str = NEBOptimizer, fmax: float = 0.1, steps: int = 100, optimizer_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, plot_band: bool = False, minimize: bool = False, minimize_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, file_prefix: PathLike | None = None, ) -> None: """ Initialise NEB class. Parameters ---------- init_struct Initial ASE Atoms structure, or filepath to structure to simulate. final_struct Final ASE Atoms structure, or filepath to structure to simulate. Any attached calculators will be replaced with a copy matching the one attached to init_struct. Default is None. band_structs Band of ASE Atoms images, or filepath to images, to optimize, skipping interpolation between the initial and final structures. Sets `interpolator` to None. arch MLIP architecture to use for Nudged Elastic Band method. Default is "mace_mp". device Device to run MLIP model on. Default is "cpu". model_path Path to MLIP model. Default is `None`. read_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to By default, read_kwargs["index"] is -1 if using `init_struct` and `final_struct`, or ":" for `band_structs`. calc_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the selected calculator. Default is {}. set_calc Whether to set (new) calculators for structures. Default is None. attach_logger Whether to attach a logger. Default is True if "filename" is passed in log_kwargs, else False. log_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_logger`. Default is {}. track_carbon Whether to track carbon emissions of calculation. Requires attach_logger. Default is True if attach_logger is True, else False. tracker_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_tracker`. Default is {}. neb_class Nudged Elastic Band class to use. Default is ase.mep.NEB. neb_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to neb_class. Default is {}. n_images Number of images to use in NEB. Default is 15. write_results Whether to write out results from NEB. Default is Trueß. write_band Whether to write out all band images after optimization. Default is False. write_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to when writing images. interpolator Choice of interpolation strategy. Default is "ase" if using `init_struct` and `final_struct`, or None if using `band_structs`. interpolator_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to interpolator. Default is {"method": "idpp"} for "ase" interpolator, or {"interpolate_lattices": False, "autosort_tol", 0.5} for "pymatgen". optimizer Optimizer to apply to NEB object. Default is NEBOptimizer. fmax Maximum force for NEB optimizer. Default is 0.1. steps Maximum number of steps to optimize NEB. Default is 100. optimizer_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to optimizer. Deault is {}. plot_band Whether to plot and save NEB band. Default is False. minimize Whether to perform geometry optimisation on initial and final structures. Default is False. minimize_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to geometry optimizer. Default is {}. file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from the intial structure name, or chemical formula of the intial structure. """ ( read_kwargs, write_kwargs, neb_kwargs, interpolator_kwargs, optimizer_kwargs, minimize_kwargs, ) = none_to_dict( read_kwargs, write_kwargs, neb_kwargs, interpolator_kwargs, optimizer_kwargs, minimize_kwargs, ) self.neb_class = neb_class self.n_images = n_images self.write_results = write_results self.write_band = write_band self.write_kwargs = write_kwargs self.neb_kwargs = neb_kwargs self.interpolator = interpolator self.interpolator_kwargs = interpolator_kwargs self.optimizer = optimizer self.fmax = fmax self.steps = steps self.optimizer_kwargs = optimizer_kwargs self.plot_band = plot_band self.minimize = minimize self.minimize_kwargs = minimize_kwargs # Validate parameters if self.n_images <= 0 or not isinstance(self.n_images, int): raise ValueError("`n_images` must be an integer greater than 0.") # Identify whether interpolating if band_structs: self.interpolator = None if init_struct or final_struct: raise ValueError( "`band_structs` cannot be specified in combination with " "`init_struct` or final_struct" ) if minimize: raise ValueError("Cannot minimize band structures.") # Pass band strutures to base class init init_struct = band_structs # Read all image by default for band read_kwargs.setdefault("index", ":") else: if self.interpolator is None: raise ValueError( "An interpolator must be specified when using an initial and final " "structure" ) # Read last image by default for init_struct read_kwargs.setdefault("index", -1) # Initialise structures and logging super().__init__( struct=init_struct, calc_name=__name__, arch=arch, device=device, model_path=model_path, read_kwargs=read_kwargs, sequence_allowed=True, calc_kwargs=calc_kwargs, set_calc=set_calc, attach_logger=attach_logger, log_kwargs=log_kwargs, track_carbon=track_carbon, tracker_kwargs=tracker_kwargs, file_prefix=file_prefix, ) if self.interpolator: if not isinstance(self.struct, Atoms): raise ValueError("`init_struct` must be a single structure.") if not self.struct.calc: raise ValueError("Please attach a calculator to `init_struct`.") # Use initial structure (path) for default file paths etc. self.init_struct = self.struct self.init_struct_path = self.struct_path self.final_struct, self.final_struct_path = input_structs( struct=final_struct, read_kwargs=read_kwargs, sequence_allowed=False, set_calc=False, ) self.final_struct.calc = copy(self.struct.calc) else: if not isinstance(self.struct, Sequence): raise ValueError("`images` must include multiple structures.") self.images = self.struct # Set default interpolation kwargs if self.interpolator == "ase": interpolator_kwargs.setdefault("method", "idpp") if self.interpolator == "pymatgen": interpolator_kwargs.setdefault("interpolate_lattices", False) interpolator_kwargs.setdefault("autosort_tol", 0.5) # Set output file defaults self.results_file = self._build_filename("neb-results.dat").absolute() self.plot_file = self._build_filename("neb-plot.svg").absolute() self.write_kwargs["filename"] = self._build_filename( "neb-band.extxyz" ).absolute() if self.minimize: set_minimize_logging( self.logger, self.minimize_kwargs, self.log_kwargs, track_carbon ) # Variable cell in periodic directions is not implemented yet for NEB self.minimize_kwargs.setdefault("filter_func", None) # Write out file by default self.minimize_kwargs.setdefault("write_results", True) # Set minimized file paths self.init_struct_min_path = self._build_filename("init-opt.extxyz") self.final_struct_min_path = self._build_filename( "final-opt.extxyz", prefix_override=self._get_default_prefix( file_prefix, self.final_struct, self.final_struct_path ), ) if "write_kwargs" in self.minimize_kwargs: if "filename" in self.minimize_kwargs["write_kwargs"]: raise ValueError( "Filenames for minimized structures cannot currently be set" ) self.minimize_kwargs["write_kwargs"]["filename"] = ( self.init_struct_min_path ) else: self.minimize_kwargs["write_kwargs"] = { "filename": self.init_struct_min_path } # Set NEB method self._set_neb()
[docs] def _set_neb(self) -> None: """Set NEB method and optimizer.""" # Set NEB method if isinstance(self.neb_class, str): try: self.neb_class = getattr(ase.mep, self.neb_class) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError(f"No such class: {self.neb_class}") from e if self.logger:"Using NEB class: %s", self.neb_class.__name__) # Set NEB optimizer if isinstance(self.optimizer, str): try: self.optimizer = getattr(ase.mep.neb, self.optimizer) except AttributeError: try: self.optimizer = getattr(ase.optimize, self.optimizer) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError(f"No such class: {self.optimizer}") from e if self.logger:"Using optimizer: %s", self.optimizer.__name__)
[docs] def plot(self) -> Figure | None: """ Plot NEB band and save figure. Returns ------- Figure | None Plotted NEB band. """ if not hasattr(self.neb, "nebtools"): self.run_nebtools() if self.plot_band: fig = self.nebtools.plot_band() fig.savefig(self.plot_file) else: fig = None return fig
[docs] def interpolate(self) -> None: """Interpolate images to create initial band.""" match self.interpolator: case "ase": # Create band of images and attach calculators if self.logger:"Using ASE interpolator") self.images = [self.init_struct] self.images += [self.init_struct.copy() for i in range(self.n_images)] for image in self.images[1:]: image.calc = copy(self.init_struct.calc) self.images += [self.final_struct] self.neb = self.neb_class(self.images, **self.neb_kwargs) self.neb.interpolate(**self.interpolator_kwargs) case "pymatgen": # Create band of images and attach calculators if self.logger:"Using pymatgen interpolator") try: py_start_struct = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_structure(self.init_struct) py_final_struct = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_structure(self.final_struct) except LinAlgError as e: raise ValueError( "Unable to convert to pymatgen structure. Please use the " "'ase' interpolator instead" ) from e py_images = py_start_struct.interpolate( py_final_struct, nimages=self.n_images + 1, **self.interpolator_kwargs, ) self.images = [image.to_ase_atoms() for image in py_images] for image in self.images: image.calc = copy(self.init_struct.calc) self.neb = self.neb_class(self.images, **self.neb_kwargs) case None: # Band already created if self.logger:"Skipping interpolation") self.neb = self.neb_class(self.images, **self.neb_kwargs) pass case _: raise ValueError("Invalid interpolator selected")
[docs] def optimize(self): """Run NEB optimization.""" if not hasattr(self, "neb"): self.interpolate() optimizer = self.optimizer(self.neb, **self.optimizer_kwargs), steps=self.steps) if self.logger:"Optimization steps: %s", optimizer.nsteps) # Optionally write band images to file output_structs( images=self.images, struct_path=self.struct_path, write_results=self.write_band, write_kwargs=self.write_kwargs, )
[docs] def run_nebtools(self): """Run NEBTools analysis.""" self.nebtools = NEBTools(self.images) barrier, delta_E = self.nebtools.get_barrier() # noqa: N806 max_force = self.nebtools.get_fmax() self.results = { "barrier": barrier, "delta_E": delta_E, "max_force": max_force, } if self.write_results: with open(self.results_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as out: print("#Barrier [eV] | delta E [eV] | Max force [eV/Å] ", file=out) print(*self.results.values(), file=out)
[docs] def run(self) -> dict[str, float]: """ Run Nudged Elastic Band method. Returns ------- dict[str, float] Dictionary of calculated results. """ if self.logger:"Starting Nudged Elastic Band method") if self.tracker: self.tracker.start_task("NEB") self._set_info_units() if self.minimize: GeomOpt(self.init_struct, **self.minimize_kwargs).run() # Change filename to be written self.minimize_kwargs["write_kwargs"]["filename"] = ( self.final_struct_min_path ) GeomOpt(self.final_struct, **self.minimize_kwargs).run() self.interpolate() self.optimize() self.run_nebtools() self.plot() if self.logger:"Nudged Elastic Band method complete") if self.tracker: emissions = self.tracker.stop_task().emissions if isinstance(self.struct, Sequence): for image in self.struct:["emissions"] = emissions else:["emissions"] = emissions self.tracker.stop() return self.results