Source code for janus_core.calculations.phonons

"""Phonon calculations."""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Sequence
from typing import Any, get_args

from ase import Atoms
from numpy import ndarray
import phonopy
from phonopy.file_IO import write_force_constants_to_hdf5
from phonopy.phonon.band_structure import (
from phonopy.structure.atoms import PhonopyAtoms
from yaml import safe_load

from janus_core.calculations.base import BaseCalculation
from janus_core.calculations.geom_opt import GeomOpt
from janus_core.helpers.janus_types import (
from janus_core.helpers.utils import none_to_dict, set_minimize_logging, track_progress

[docs] class Phonons(BaseCalculation): """ Configure, perform phonon calculations and write out results. Parameters ---------- struct ASE Atoms structure, or filepath to structure to simulate. arch MLIP architecture to use for calculations. Default is "mace_mp". device Device to run MLIP model on. Default is "cpu". model_path Path to MLIP model. Default is `None`. read_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to By default, read_kwargs["index"] is -1. calc_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the selected calculator. Default is {}. set_calc Whether to set (new) calculators for structures. Default is None. attach_logger Whether to attach a logger. Default is True if "filename" is passed in log_kwargs, else False. log_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_logger`. Default is {}. track_carbon Whether to track carbon emissions of calculation. Requires attach_logger. Default is True if attach_logger is True, else False. tracker_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_tracker`. Default is {}. calcs Phonon calculations to run. Default calculates force constants only. supercell The size of a supercell for calculation, or the supercell itself. If a single number is provided, it is interpreted as the size, so a diagonal supercell of that size in all dimensions is constructed. If three values are provided, they are interpreted as the diagonal values of a diagonal supercell. If nine values are provided, they are assumed to be the full supercell matrix in the style of Phonopy, so the first three values will be used as the first row, the second three as the second row, etc. Default is 2. displacement Displacement for force constants calculation, in A. Default is 0.01. displacement_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to generate_displacements. Default is {}. mesh Mesh for sampling. Default is (10, 10, 10). symmetrize Whether to symmetrize structure and force constants after calculation. Default is False. minimize Whether to perform geometry optimisation before calculating phonons. Default is False. minimize_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to geometry optimizer. Default is {}. n_qpoints Number of q-points to sample along generated path, including end points. Unused if `qpoint_file` is specified. Default is 51. qpoint_file Path to yaml file with info to generate a path of q-points for band structure. Default is None. dos_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to run_total_dos. Default is {}. pdos_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to run_projected_dos. Default is {}. temp_min Start temperature for thermal properties calculations, in K. Default is 0.0. temp_max End temperature for thermal properties calculations, in K. Default is 1000.0. temp_step Temperature step for thermal properties calculations, in K. Default is 50.0. force_consts_to_hdf5 Whether to write force constants in hdf format or not. Default is True. plot_to_file Whether to plot various graphs as band stuctures, dos/pdos in svg. Default is False. write_results Default for whether to write out results to file. Default is True. write_full Whether to maximize information written in various output files. Default is True. file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from chemical formula of the structure. enable_progress_bar Whether to show a progress bar during phonon calculations. Default is False. Attributes ---------- calc : ase.calculators.calculator.Calculator ASE Calculator attached to structure. results : dict Results of phonon calculations. """
[docs] def __init__( self, struct: Atoms | PathLike, arch: Architectures = "mace_mp", device: Devices = "cpu", model_path: PathLike | None = None, read_kwargs: ASEReadArgs | None = None, calc_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, set_calc: bool | None = None, attach_logger: bool | None = None, log_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, track_carbon: bool | None = None, tracker_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, calcs: MaybeSequence[PhononCalcs] = (), supercell: MaybeList[int] = 2, displacement: float = 0.01, displacement_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, mesh: tuple[int, int, int] = (10, 10, 10), symmetrize: bool = False, minimize: bool = False, minimize_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, n_qpoints: int = 51, qpoint_file: PathLike | None = None, dos_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, pdos_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, temp_min: float = 0.0, temp_max: float = 1000.0, temp_step: float = 50.0, force_consts_to_hdf5: bool = True, plot_to_file: bool = False, write_results: bool = True, write_full: bool = True, file_prefix: PathLike | None = None, enable_progress_bar: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Initialise Phonons class. Parameters ---------- struct ASE Atoms structure, or filepath to structure to simulate. arch MLIP architecture to use for calculations. Default is "mace_mp". device Device to run MLIP model on. Default is "cpu". model_path Path to MLIP model. Default is `None`. read_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to By default, read_kwargs["index"] is -1. calc_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the selected calculator. Default is {}. set_calc Whether to set (new) calculators for structures. Default is None. attach_logger Whether to attach a logger. Default is True if "filename" is passed in log_kwargs, else False. log_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_logger`. Default is {}. track_carbon Whether to track carbon emissions of calculation. Requires attach_logger. Default is True if attach_logger is True, else False. tracker_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `config_tracker`. Default is {}. calcs Phonon calculations to run. Default calculates force constants only. supercell The size of a supercell for calculation, or the supercell itself. If a single number is provided, it is interpreted as the size, so a diagonal supercell of that size in all dimensions is constructed. If three values are provided, they are interpreted as the diagonal values of a diagonal supercell. If nine values are provided, they are assumed to be the full supercell matrix in the style of Phonopy, so the first three values will be used as the first row, the second three as the second row, etc. Default is 2. displacement Displacement for force constants calculation, in A. Default is 0.01. displacement_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to generate_displacements. Default is {}. mesh Mesh for sampling. Default is (10, 10, 10). symmetrize Whether to symmetrize structure and force constants after calculation. Default is False. minimize Whether to perform geometry optimisation before calculating phonons. Default is False. minimize_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to geometry optimizer. Default is {}. n_qpoints Number of q-points to sample along generated path, including end points. Unused if `qpoint_file` is specified. Default is 51. qpoint_file Path to yaml file with info to generate a path of q-points for band structure. Default is None. dos_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to run_total_dos. Default is {}. pdos_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to run_projected_dos. Default is {}. temp_min Start temperature for thermal calculations, in K. Default is 0.0. temp_max End temperature for thermal calculations, in K. Default is 1000.0. temp_step Temperature step for thermal calculations, in K. Default is 50.0. force_consts_to_hdf5 Whether to write force constants in hdf format or not. Default is True. plot_to_file Whether to plot various graphs as band stuctures, dos/pdos in svg. Default is False. write_results Default for whether to write out results to file. Default is True. write_full Whether to maximize information written in various output files. Default is True. file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from structure name, or chemical formula of the structure. enable_progress_bar Whether to show a progress bar during phonon calculations. Default is False. """ read_kwargs, displacement_kwargs, minimize_kwargs, dos_kwargs, pdos_kwargs = ( none_to_dict( read_kwargs, displacement_kwargs, minimize_kwargs, dos_kwargs, pdos_kwargs, ) ) self.calcs = calcs self.displacement = displacement self.displacement_kwargs = displacement_kwargs self.mesh = mesh self.symmetrize = symmetrize self.minimize = minimize self.minimize_kwargs = minimize_kwargs self.n_qpoints = n_qpoints self.qpoint_file = qpoint_file self.dos_kwargs = dos_kwargs self.pdos_kwargs = pdos_kwargs self.temp_min = temp_min self.temp_max = temp_max self.temp_step = temp_step self.force_consts_to_hdf5 = force_consts_to_hdf5 self.plot_to_file = plot_to_file self.write_results = write_results self.write_full = write_full self.enable_progress_bar = enable_progress_bar # Ensure supercell is a valid list self.supercell = [supercell] * 3 if isinstance(supercell, int) else supercell if len(self.supercell) not in [3, 9]: raise ValueError( "`supercell` must be an integer, or list of length 3 or 9. A list of " "length 3 must specify the values of a diagonal supercell, and a list " "of length 9 must specify all values of a full supercell matrix, where " "the first three values are the first row, the second three are the " "second row, etc." ) # Read last image by default read_kwargs.setdefault("index", -1) # Initialise structures and logging super().__init__( struct=struct, calc_name=__name__, arch=arch, device=device, model_path=model_path, read_kwargs=read_kwargs, sequence_allowed=False, calc_kwargs=calc_kwargs, set_calc=set_calc, attach_logger=attach_logger, log_kwargs=log_kwargs, track_carbon=track_carbon, tracker_kwargs=tracker_kwargs, file_prefix=file_prefix, ) if not self.struct.calc: raise ValueError("Please attach a calculator to `struct`.") if self.minimize: set_minimize_logging( self.logger, self.minimize_kwargs, self.log_kwargs, track_carbon ) # Write out file by default self.minimize_kwargs.setdefault("write_results", True) # If not specified otherwise, save optimized structure consistently with # other phonon output files opt_file = self._build_filename("opt.extxyz") if "write_kwargs" in self.minimize_kwargs: # Use _build_filename even if given filename to ensure directory exists self.minimize_kwargs["write_kwargs"].setdefault("filename", None) self.minimize_kwargs["write_kwargs"]["filename"] = self._build_filename( "", filename=self.minimize_kwargs["write_kwargs"]["filename"] ).absolute() else: self.minimize_kwargs["write_kwargs"] = {"filename": opt_file} if self.symmetrize: self.minimize_kwargs.setdefault("symmetrize", True) self.calc = self.struct.calc self.results = {}
@property def calcs(self) -> Sequence[PhononCalcs]: """ Phonon calculations to be run. Returns ------- Sequence[PhononCalcs] Phonon calculations. """ return self._calcs @calcs.setter def calcs(self, value: MaybeSequence[PhononCalcs]) -> None: """ Setter for `calcs`. Parameters ---------- value Phonon calculations to be run. """ if isinstance(value, str): value = (value,) for calc in value: if calc not in get_args(PhononCalcs): raise NotImplementedError( f"Calculations '{calc}' cannot currently be performed." ) # If none specified, only force constants will be calculated if not value: value = () self._calcs = value
[docs] def calc_force_constants( self, write_force_consts: bool | None = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Calculate force constants and optionally write results. Parameters ---------- write_force_consts Whether to write out results to file. Default is self.write_results. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to `write_force_constants`. """ if write_force_consts is None: write_force_consts = self.write_results if self.minimize: optimizer = GeomOpt(self.struct, **self.minimize_kwargs) if self.logger:"Starting phonons calculation") if self.tracker: self.tracker.start_task("Phonon calculation") self._set_info_units() cell = self._ASE_to_PhonopyAtoms(self.struct) if len(self.supercell) == 3: supercell_matrix = ( (self.supercell[0], 0, 0), (0, self.supercell[1], 0), (0, 0, self.supercell[2]), ) else: supercell_matrix = ( tuple(self.supercell[:3]), tuple(self.supercell[3:6]), tuple(self.supercell[6:]), ) phonon = phonopy.Phonopy(cell, supercell_matrix) phonon.generate_displacements( distance=self.displacement, **self.displacement_kwargs, ) disp_supercells = phonon.supercells_with_displacements if self.enable_progress_bar: disp_supercells = track_progress( disp_supercells, "Computing displacements..." ) phonon.forces = [ self._calc_forces(supercell) for supercell in disp_supercells if supercell is not None ] phonon.produce_force_constants() self.results["phonon"] = phonon if self.symmetrize: self.results["phonon"].symmetrize_force_constants(level=1) if self.logger:"Phonons calculation complete") if self.tracker: emissions = self.tracker.stop_task().emissions["emissions"] = emissions self.tracker.flush() if write_force_consts: self.write_force_constants(**kwargs)
[docs] def write_force_constants( self, *, phonopy_file: PathLike | None = None, force_consts_to_hdf5: bool | None = None, force_consts_file: PathLike | None = None, ) -> None: """ Write results of force constants calculations. Parameters ---------- phonopy_file Name of yaml file to save params of phonopy and optionally force constants. Default is inferred from `file_prefix`. force_consts_to_hdf5 Whether to save the force constants separately to an hdf5 file. Default is self.force_consts_to_hdf5. force_consts_file Name of hdf5 file to save force constants. Unused if `force_consts_to_hdf5` is False. Default is inferred from `file_prefix`. """ if "phonon" not in self.results: raise ValueError( "Force constants have not been calculated yet. " "Please run `calc_force_constants` first" ) if force_consts_to_hdf5 is None: force_consts_to_hdf5 = self.force_consts_to_hdf5 phonopy_file = self._build_filename("phonopy.yml", filename=phonopy_file) force_consts_file = self._build_filename( "force_constants.hdf5", filename=force_consts_file ) phonon = self.results["phonon"] save_force_consts = not force_consts_to_hdf5, settings={"force_constants": save_force_consts}) if force_consts_to_hdf5: write_force_constants_to_hdf5( phonon.force_constants, filename=force_consts_file )
[docs] def calc_bands(self, write_bands: bool | None = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ Calculate band structure and optionally write and plot results. Parameters ---------- write_bands Whether to write out results to file. Default is self.write_results. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to `write_bands`. """ if write_bands is None: write_bands = self.write_results # Calculate phonons if not already in results if "phonon" not in self.results: # Use general (self.write_results) setting for writing force constants self.calc_force_constants(write_force_consts=self.write_results) if write_bands: self.write_bands(**kwargs)
[docs] def write_bands( self, *, bands_file: PathLike | None = None, save_plots: bool | None = None, plot_file: PathLike | None = None, ) -> None: """ Write results of band structure calculations. Parameters ---------- bands_file Name of yaml file to save band structure. Default is inferred from `file_prefix`. save_plots Whether to save plot to file. Default is self.plot_to_file. plot_file Name of svg file if saving band structure plot. Default is inferred from `file_prefix`. """ if "phonon" not in self.results: raise ValueError( "Force constants have not been calculated yet. " "Please run `calc_force_constants` first" ) if save_plots is None: save_plots = self.plot_to_file if self.qpoint_file: bands_file = self._build_filename("bands.yml.xz", filename=bands_file) with open(self.qpoint_file, encoding="utf8") as file: paths_info = safe_load(file) labels = paths_info["labels"] num_q_points = sum(len(q) for q in paths_info["paths"]) num_labels = len(labels) assert num_q_points == num_labels, ( "Number of labels is different to number of q-points specified" ) q_points, connections = get_band_qpoints_and_path_connections( band_paths=paths_info["paths"], npoints=paths_info["npoints"] ) else: bands_file = self._build_filename("auto_bands.yml.xz", filename=bands_file) q_points, labels, connections = get_band_qpoints_by_seekpath( self.results["phonon"].primitive, self.n_qpoints ) self.results["phonon"].run_band_structure( paths=q_points, path_connections=connections, labels=labels, with_eigenvectors=self.write_full, with_group_velocities=self.write_full, ) self.results["phonon"].write_yaml_band_structure( filename=bands_file, compression="lzma", ) bplt = self.results["phonon"].plot_band_structure() if save_plots: plot_file = self._build_filename("bands.svg", filename=plot_file) bplt.savefig(plot_file)
[docs] def calc_thermal_props( self, mesh: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None, write_thermal: bool | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Calculate thermal properties and optionally write results. Parameters ---------- mesh Mesh for sampling. Default is self.mesh. write_thermal Whether to write out thermal properties to file. Default is self.write_results. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to `write_thermal_props`. """ if write_thermal is None: write_thermal = self.write_results if mesh is None: mesh = self.mesh # Calculate phonons if not already in results if "phonon" not in self.results: # Use general (self.write_results) setting for writing force constants self.calc_force_constants(write_force_consts=self.write_results) if self.logger:"Starting thermal properties calculation") if self.tracker: self.tracker.start_task("Thermal calculation") self.results["phonon"].run_mesh(mesh) self.results["phonon"].run_thermal_properties( t_step=self.temp_step, t_max=self.temp_max, t_min=self.temp_min ) self.results["thermal_properties"] = self.results[ "phonon" ].get_thermal_properties_dict() if self.logger:"Thermal properties calculation complete") if self.tracker: emissions = self.tracker.stop_task().emissions["emissions"] = emissions self.tracker.flush() if write_thermal: self.write_thermal_props(**kwargs)
[docs] def write_thermal_props(self, thermal_file: PathLike | None = None) -> None: """ Write results of thermal properties calculations. Parameters ---------- thermal_file Name of data file to save thermal properties. Default is inferred from `file_prefix`. """ thermal_file = self._build_filename("thermal.yml", filename=thermal_file) self.results["phonon"].write_yaml_thermal_properties(filename=thermal_file)
[docs] def calc_dos( self, *, mesh: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None, write_dos: bool | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Calculate density of states and optionally write results. Parameters ---------- mesh Mesh for sampling. Default is self.mesh. write_dos Whether to write out results to file. Default is True. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to `write_dos`. """ if write_dos is None: write_dos = self.write_results if mesh is None: mesh = self.mesh # Calculate phonons if not already in results if "phonon" not in self.results: # Use general (self.write_results) setting for writing force constants self.calc_force_constants(write_force_consts=self.write_results) if self.logger:"Starting DOS calculation") if self.tracker: self.tracker.start_task("DOS calculation") self.results["phonon"].run_mesh(mesh) self.results["phonon"].run_total_dos(**self.dos_kwargs) if self.logger:"DOS calculation complete") if self.tracker: emissions = self.tracker.stop_task().emissions["emissions"] = emissions self.tracker.flush() if write_dos: self.write_dos(**kwargs)
[docs] def write_dos( self, *, dos_file: PathLike | None = None, plot_to_file: bool | None = None, plot_file: PathLike | None = None, plot_bands: bool = False, plot_bands_file: PathLike | None = None, ) -> None: """ Write results of DOS calculation. Parameters ---------- dos_file Name of data file to save the calculated DOS. Default is inferred from `file_prefix`. plot_to_file Whether to save plot to file. Default is self.plot_to_file. plot_file Name of svg file if saving plot of the DOS. Default is inferred from `file_prefix`. plot_bands Whether to plot the band structure and DOS together. Default is True. plot_bands_file Name of svg file if saving plot of the band structure and DOS. Default is inferred from `file_prefix`. """ # Calculate phonons if not already in results if "phonon" not in self.results or self.results["phonon"].total_dos is None: raise ValueError( "The DOS has not been calculated yet. Please run `calc_dos` first" ) if plot_bands and self.results["phonon"].band_structure is None: raise ValueError( "The band structure has not been calculated yet. " "Please run `calc_bands` first, or set `plot_bands = False`" ) if plot_to_file is None: plot_to_file = self.plot_to_file dos_file = self._build_filename("dos.dat", filename=dos_file) self.results["phonon"].total_dos.write(dos_file) bplt = self.results["phonon"].plot_total_dos() if plot_to_file: plot_file = self._build_filename("dos.svg", filename=plot_file) bplt.savefig(plot_file) if plot_bands: bplt = self.results["phonon"].plot_band_structure_and_dos() if plot_to_file: plot_bands_file = self._build_filename( "bs-dos.svg", filename=plot_bands_file ) bplt.savefig(plot_bands_file)
[docs] def calc_pdos( self, *, mesh: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None, write_pdos: bool | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Calculate projected density of states and optionally write results. Parameters ---------- mesh Mesh for sampling. Default is self.mesh. write_pdos Whether to write out results to file. Default is self.write_results. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to `write_pdos`. """ if write_pdos is None: write_pdos = self.write_results if mesh is None: mesh = self.mesh # Calculate phonons if not already in results if "phonon" not in self.results: # Use general (self.write_results) setting for writing force constants self.calc_force_constants(write_force_consts=self.write_results) if self.logger:"Starting PDOS calculation") if self.tracker: self.tracker.start_task("PDOS calculation") self.results["phonon"].run_mesh( mesh, with_eigenvectors=True, is_mesh_symmetry=False ) self.results["phonon"].run_projected_dos(**self.pdos_kwargs) if self.logger:"PDOS calculation complete") if self.tracker: emissions = self.tracker.stop_task().emissions["emissions"] = emissions self.tracker.flush() if write_pdos: self.write_pdos(**kwargs)
[docs] def write_pdos( self, *, pdos_file: PathLike | None = None, plot_to_file: bool | None = None, plot_file: PathLike | None = None, ) -> None: """ Write results of PDOS calculation. Parameters ---------- pdos_file Name of file to save the calculated PDOS. Default is inferred from `file_prefix`. plot_to_file Whether to save plot to file. Default is self.plot_to_file. plot_file Name of svg file if saving plot of the calculated PDOS. Default is inferred from `file_prefix`. """ # Calculate phonons if not already in results if "phonon" not in self.results or self.results["phonon"].projected_dos is None: raise ValueError( "The PSDOS has not been calculated yet. Please run `calc_pdos` first" ) if plot_to_file is None: plot_to_file = self.plot_to_file pdos_file = self._build_filename("pdos.dat", filename=pdos_file) self.results["phonon"].projected_dos.write(pdos_file) bplt = self.results["phonon"].plot_projected_dos() if plot_to_file: plot_file = self._build_filename("pdos.svg", filename=plot_file) bplt.savefig(plot_file)
# No magnetic moments considered # Disable invalid-function-name
[docs] def _Phonopy_to_ASEAtoms(self, struct: PhonopyAtoms) -> Atoms: # noqa: N802 """ Convert Phonopy Atoms structure to ASE Atoms structure. Parameters ---------- struct PhonopyAtoms structure to be converted. Returns ------- Atoms Converted ASE Atoms structure. """ return Atoms( symbols=struct.symbols, scaled_positions=struct.scaled_positions, cell=struct.cell, masses=struct.masses, pbc=True, calculator=self.calc, )
# Disable invalid-function-name
[docs] def _ASE_to_PhonopyAtoms(self, struct: Atoms) -> PhonopyAtoms: # noqa: N802 """ Convert ASE Atoms structure to Phonopy Atoms structure. Parameters ---------- struct ASE Atoms structure to be converted. Returns ------- PhonopyAtoms Converted PhonopyAtoms structure. """ return PhonopyAtoms( symbols=struct.get_chemical_symbols(), cell=struct.cell.array, scaled_positions=struct.get_scaled_positions(), masses=struct.get_masses(), )
[docs] def _calc_forces(self, struct: PhonopyAtoms) -> ndarray: """ Calculate forces on PhonopyAtoms structure. Parameters ---------- struct Structure to calculate forces on. Returns ------- ndarray Forces on the structure. """ atoms = self._Phonopy_to_ASEAtoms(struct) return atoms.get_forces()
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Run phonon calculations.""" # Calculate force constants self.calc_force_constants() # Calculate band structure if "bands" in self.calcs: self.calc_bands() # Calculate thermal properties if specified if "thermal" in self.calcs: self.calc_thermal_props() # Calculate DOS and PDOS if specified if "dos" in self.calcs: self.calc_dos(plot_bands="bands" in self.calcs) if "pdos" in self.calcs: self.calc_pdos()