Source code for janus_core.cli.neb

"""Set up NEB commandline interface."""

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Annotated, get_args

from click import Choice
from typer import Context, Option, Typer
from typer_config import use_config

from janus_core.cli.types import (
from janus_core.cli.utils import dict_paths_to_strs, yaml_converter_callback

app = Typer()

[docs] @app.command() @use_config(yaml_converter_callback) def neb( # numpydoc ignore=PR02 ctx: Context, init_struct: StructPath | None = None, final_struct: StructPath | None = None, band_structs: StructPath | None = None, neb_class: Annotated[ str | None, Option(help="Name of ASE NEB class to use."), ] = "NEB", n_images: Annotated[int, Option(help="Number of images to use in NEB.")] = 15, write_band: Annotated[ bool, Option(help="Whether to write out all band images after optimization."), ] = False, write_kwargs: WriteKwargs = None, neb_kwargs: NebKwargs = None, interpolator: Annotated[ str | None, Option( click_type=Choice(["ase", "pymatgen"]), help="Choice of interpolation strategy.", ), ] = "ase", interpolator_kwargs: InterpolationKwargs = None, optimizer: Annotated[ str | None, Option(help="Name of ASE NEB optimizer to use."), ] = "NEBOptimizer", fmax: Annotated[float, Option(help="Maximum force for NEB optimizer.")] = 0.1, steps: Annotated[ int, Option(help="Maximum number of steps for optimization.") ] = 100, optimizer_kwargs: NebOptKwargs = None, plot_band: Annotated[ bool, Option(help="Whether to plot and save NEB band."), ] = False, minimize: Annotated[ bool, Option(help=" Whether to minimize initial and final structures.") ] = False, minimize_kwargs: MinimizeKwargs = None, arch: Architecture = "mace_mp", device: Device = "cpu", model_path: ModelPath = None, read_kwargs: ReadKwargsLast = None, calc_kwargs: CalcKwargs = None, file_prefix: Annotated[ Path | None, Option( help=( """ Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from structure name, or chemical formula. """ ), ), ] = None, log: LogPath = None, tracker: Annotated[ bool, Option(help="Whether to save carbon emissions of calculation") ] = True, summary: Summary = None, ) -> None: """ Calculate equation of state and write out results. Parameters ---------- ctx Typer (Click) Context. Automatically set. init_struct Path of initial structure for Nudged Elastic Band method. Required if `band_structs` is None. Default is None. final_struct Path of final structure for Nudged Elastic Band method. Required if `band_structs` is None. Default is None. band_structs Path of band images to optimize, skipping interpolation between the initial and final structures. Sets `interpolator` to None. neb_class Nudged Elastic Band class to use. Default is ase.mep.NEB. n_images Number of images to use in NEB. Default is 15. write_band Whether to write out all band images after optimization. Default is False. write_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to when writing images. neb_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to neb_class. Default is {}. interpolator Choice of interpolation strategy. Default is "ase" if using `init_struct` and `final_struct`, or None if using `band_structs`. interpolator_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to interpolator. Default is {"method": "idpp"} for "ase" interpolator, or {"interpolate_lattices": False, "autosort_tol", 0.5} for "pymatgen". optimizer Optimizer to apply to NEB object. Default is NEBOptimizer. fmax Maximum force for NEB optimizer. Default is 0.1. steps Maximum number of steps to optimize NEB. Default is 100. optimizer_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to optimizer. Deault is {}. plot_band Whether to plot and save NEB band. Default is False. minimize Whether to perform geometry optimisation on initial and final structures. Default is False. minimize_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to geometry optimizer. Default is {}. arch MLIP architecture to use for Nudged Elastic Band method. Default is "mace_mp". device Device to run MLIP model on. Default is "cpu". model_path Path to MLIP model. Default is `None`. read_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to By default, read_kwargs["index"] is -1 if using `init_struct` and `final_struct`, or ":" for `band_structs`. calc_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the selected calculator. Default is {}. file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from the intial structure name, or chemical formula of the intial structure. log Path to write logs to. Default is inferred from the name of the structure file. tracker Whether to save carbon emissions of calculation in log file and summary. Default is True. summary Path to save summary of inputs, start/end time, and carbon emissions. Default is inferred from the name of the structure file. config Path to yaml configuration file to define the above options. Default is None. """ from janus_core.calculations.neb import NEB from janus_core.cli.utils import ( carbon_summary, check_config, end_summary, parse_typer_dicts, save_struct_calc, start_summary, ) from janus_core.helpers.janus_types import Interpolators # Check options from configuration file are all valid check_config(ctx) [ write_kwargs, neb_kwargs, interpolator_kwargs, optimizer_kwargs, minimize_kwargs, read_kwargs, calc_kwargs, ] = parse_typer_dicts( [ write_kwargs, neb_kwargs, interpolator_kwargs, optimizer_kwargs, minimize_kwargs, read_kwargs, calc_kwargs, ] ) if band_structs: if init_struct or final_struct: raise ValueError( "Initial and final structures cannot be specified in addition to the " "band structures" ) interpolator = None if not band_structs and interpolator not in get_args(Interpolators): raise ValueError(f"Fit type must be one of: {get_args(Interpolators)}") log_kwargs = {"filemode": "w"} if log: log_kwargs["filename"] = log # Dictionary of inputs for NEB class neb_inputs = { "init_struct": init_struct, "final_struct": final_struct, "band_structs": band_structs, "arch": arch, "device": device, "model_path": model_path, "read_kwargs": read_kwargs, "calc_kwargs": calc_kwargs, "attach_logger": True, "log_kwargs": log_kwargs, "track_carbon": tracker, "neb_class": neb_class, "n_images": n_images, "write_band": write_band, "write_kwargs": write_kwargs, "neb_kwargs": neb_kwargs, "interpolator": interpolator, "interpolator_kwargs": interpolator_kwargs, "optimizer": optimizer, "fmax": fmax, "steps": steps, "optimizer_kwargs": optimizer_kwargs, "plot_band": plot_band, "minimize": minimize, "minimize_kwargs": minimize_kwargs, "file_prefix": file_prefix, } # Initialise NEB neb = NEB(**neb_inputs) # Set summary and log files summary = neb._build_filename("neb-summary.yml", filename=summary).absolute() log = neb.log_kwargs["filename"] # Store inputs for yaml summary inputs = neb_inputs.copy() del inputs["init_struct"] del inputs["final_struct"] del inputs["band_structs"] # Add structure, MLIP information, and log to inputs save_struct_calc( inputs=inputs, struct=neb.struct, struct_path=init_struct, arch=arch, device=device, model_path=model_path, read_kwargs=read_kwargs, calc_kwargs=calc_kwargs, log=log, ) if band_structs: inputs["band_structs"] = inputs.pop("traj") else: inputs["init_struct"] = inputs.pop("struct") inputs["final_struct"] = { "n_atoms": len(neb.final_struct), "struct_path": final_struct, "formula": neb.final_struct.get_chemical_formula(), } # Convert all paths to strings in inputs nested dictionary dict_paths_to_strs(inputs) # Save summary information before calculations begin start_summary(command="neb", summary=summary, inputs=inputs) # Run equation of state calculations # Save carbon summary if tracker: carbon_summary(summary=summary, log=log) # Time after calculations have finished end_summary(summary)