Source code for janus_core.cli.phonons

"""Set up phonons commandline interface."""

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Annotated

from typer import Context, Option, Typer
from typer_config import use_config

from janus_core.cli.types import (
from janus_core.cli.utils import yaml_converter_callback

app = Typer()

[docs] @app.command() @use_config(yaml_converter_callback) def phonons( # numpydoc ignore=PR02 ctx: Context, struct: StructPath, supercell: Annotated[ str, Option( help="Supercell matrix, in the Phonopy style. Must be passed as a string " "in one of three forms: single integer ('2'), which specifies all " "diagonal elements; three integers ('1 2 3'), which specifies each " "individual diagonal element; or nine values ('1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'), " "which specifies all elements, filling the matrix row-wise." ), ] = "2 2 2", displacement: Annotated[ float, Option(help="Displacement for force constants calculation, in A.") ] = 0.01, displacement_kwargs: DisplacementKwargs = None, mesh: Annotated[ tuple[int, int, int], Option(help="Mesh numbers along a, b, c axes.") ] = (10, 10, 10), bands: Annotated[ bool, Option(help="Whether to compute band structure."), ] = False, n_qpoints: Annotated[ int, Option( help=( "Number of q-points to sample along generated path, including end " "points. Unused if `qpoint_file` is specified" ) ), ] = 51, qpoint_file: Annotated[ Path | None, Option( help=( "Path to yaml file with info to generate a path of q-points for band " "structure." ) ), ] = None, dos: Annotated[bool, Option(help="Whether to calculate the DOS.")] = False, dos_kwargs: DoSKwargs = None, pdos: Annotated[bool, Option(help="Whether to calculate the PDOS.")] = False, pdos_kwargs: PDoSKwargs = None, thermal: Annotated[ bool, Option(help="Whether to calculate thermal properties.") ] = False, temp_min: Annotated[ float, Option(help="Start temperature for thermal properties calculations, in K."), ] = 0.0, temp_max: Annotated[ float, Option(help="End temperature for thermal properties calculations, in K."), ] = 1000.0, temp_step: Annotated[ float, Option(help="Temperature step for thermal properties calculations, in K."), ] = 50, symmetrize: Annotated[ bool, Option(help="Whether to symmetrize force constants.") ] = False, minimize: Annotated[ bool, Option(help="Whether to minimize structure before calculations.") ] = False, fmax: Annotated[ float, Option(help="Maximum force for optimization convergence.") ] = 0.1, minimize_kwargs: MinimizeKwargs = None, hdf5: Annotated[ bool, Option(help="Whether to save force constants in hdf5.") ] = True, plot_to_file: Annotated[ bool, Option(help="Whether to plot band structure and/or dos/pdos when calculated."), ] = False, write_full: Annotated[ bool, Option( help=( "Whether to write eigenvectors, group velocities, etc. to bands file." ), ), ] = True, arch: Architecture = "mace_mp", device: Device = "cpu", model_path: ModelPath = None, read_kwargs: ReadKwargsLast = None, calc_kwargs: CalcKwargs = None, file_prefix: Annotated[ Path | None, Option( help=( """ Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from structure name, or chemical formula. """ ), ), ] = None, log: LogPath = None, tracker: Annotated[ bool, Option(help="Whether to save carbon emissions of calculation") ] = True, summary: Summary = None, ) -> None: """ Perform phonon calculations and write out results. Parameters ---------- ctx Typer (Click) Context. Automatically set. struct Path of structure to simulate. supercell Supercell matrix, in the Phonopy style. Must be passed as a string in one of three forms: single integer ('2'), which specifies all diagonal elements; three integers ('1 2 3'), which specifies each individual diagonal element; or nine values ('1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'), which specifies all elements, filling the matrix row-wise. displacement Displacement for force constants calculation, in A. Default is 0.01. displacement_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to generate_displacements. Default is {}. mesh Mesh for sampling. Default is (10, 10, 10). bands Whether to calculate and save the band structure. Default is False. n_qpoints Number of q-points to sample along generated path, including end points. Unused if `qpoint_file` is specified. Default is 51. qpoint_file Path to yaml file with info to generate a path of q-points for band structure. Default is None. dos Whether to calculate and save the DOS. Default is False. dos_kwargs Other keyword arguments to pass to run_total_dos. Default is {}. pdos Whether to calculate and save the PDOS. Default is False. pdos_kwargs Other keyword arguments to pass to run_projected_dos. Default is {}. thermal Whether to calculate thermal properties. Default is False. temp_min Start temperature for thermal calculations, in K. Unused if `thermal` is False. Default is 0.0. temp_max End temperature for thermal calculations, in K. Unused if `thermal` is False. Default is 1000.0. temp_step Temperature step for thermal calculations, in K. Unused if `thermal` is False. Default is 50.0. symmetrize Whether to symmetrize force constants. Default is False. minimize Whether to minimize structure before calculations. Default is False. fmax Set force convergence criteria for optimizer in units eV/Å. Default is 0.1. minimize_kwargs Other keyword arguments to pass to geometry optimizer. Default is {}. hdf5 Whether to save force constants in hdf5 format. Default is True. plot_to_file Whether to plot. Default is False. write_full Whether to maximize information written in various output files. Default is True. arch MLIP architecture to use for geometry optimization. Default is "mace_mp". device Device to run model on. Default is "cpu". model_path Path to MLIP model. Default is `None`. read_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to By default, read_kwargs["index"] is 0. calc_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the selected calculator. Default is {}. file_prefix Prefix for output filenames. Default is inferred from structure name, or chemical formula. log Path to write logs to. Default is inferred from the name of the structure file. tracker Whether to save carbon emissions of calculation in log file and summary. Default is True. summary Path to save summary of inputs, start/end time, and carbon emissions. Default is inferred from the name of the structure file. config Path to yaml configuration file to define the above options. Default is None. """ from janus_core.calculations.phonons import Phonons from janus_core.cli.utils import ( carbon_summary, check_config, dict_tuples_to_lists, end_summary, parse_typer_dicts, save_struct_calc, set_read_kwargs_index, start_summary, ) # Check options from configuration file are all valid check_config(ctx) ( displacement_kwargs, read_kwargs, calc_kwargs, minimize_kwargs, dos_kwargs, pdos_kwargs, ) = parse_typer_dicts( [ displacement_kwargs, read_kwargs, calc_kwargs, minimize_kwargs, dos_kwargs, pdos_kwargs, ] ) # Read only first structure by default and ensure only one image is read set_read_kwargs_index(read_kwargs) # Check fmax option not duplicated if "fmax" in minimize_kwargs: raise ValueError("'fmax' must be passed through the --fmax option") minimize_kwargs["fmax"] = fmax try: supercell = [int(x) for x in supercell.split()] except ValueError as exc: raise ValueError( "Please pass lattice vectors as integers in the form '1 2 3'" ) from exc supercell_length = len(supercell) if supercell_length == 1: supercell = supercell[0] elif supercell_length not in [3, 9]: raise ValueError( "Please pass lattice vectors as space-separated integers in quotes. " "For example, '1 2 3'." ) calcs = [] if bands: calcs.append("bands") if thermal: calcs.append("thermal") if dos: calcs.append("dos") if pdos: calcs.append("pdos") log_kwargs = {"filemode": "w"} if log: log_kwargs["filename"] = log # Dictionary of inputs for Phonons class phonons_kwargs = { "struct": struct, "arch": arch, "device": device, "model_path": model_path, "read_kwargs": read_kwargs, "calc_kwargs": calc_kwargs, "attach_logger": True, "log_kwargs": log_kwargs, "track_carbon": tracker, "calcs": calcs, "supercell": supercell, "displacement": displacement, "displacement_kwargs": displacement_kwargs, "mesh": mesh, "symmetrize": symmetrize, "minimize": minimize, "minimize_kwargs": minimize_kwargs, "n_qpoints": n_qpoints, "qpoint_file": qpoint_file, "dos_kwargs": dos_kwargs, "pdos_kwargs": pdos_kwargs, "temp_min": temp_min, "temp_max": temp_max, "temp_step": temp_step, "force_consts_to_hdf5": hdf5, "plot_to_file": plot_to_file, "write_results": True, "write_full": write_full, "file_prefix": file_prefix, "enable_progress_bar": True, } # Initialise phonons phonon = Phonons(**phonons_kwargs) # Set summary and log files summary = phonon._build_filename("phonons-summary.yml", filename=summary).absolute() log = phonon.log_kwargs["filename"] # Store inputs for yaml summary inputs = phonons_kwargs.copy() # Add structure, MLIP information, and log to inputs save_struct_calc( inputs=inputs, struct=phonon.struct, struct_path=struct, arch=arch, device=device, model_path=model_path, read_kwargs=read_kwargs, calc_kwargs=calc_kwargs, log=log, ) # Convert all tuples to list in inputs nested dictionary dict_tuples_to_lists(inputs) # Save summary information before calculations begin start_summary(command="phonons", summary=summary, inputs=inputs) # Run phonon calculations # Save carbon summary if tracker: carbon_summary(summary=summary, log=log) # Time after calculations have finished end_summary(summary)