Configure MLIP calculators.
Similar in spirit to matcalc and quacc approaches
- https://github.com/materialsvirtuallab/matcalc
- https://github.com/Quantum-Accelerators/quacc.git
from __future__ import annotations
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, get_args
from ase.calculators.mixing import SumCalculator
from janus_core.helpers.janus_types import Architectures, Devices, PathLike
from janus_core.helpers.utils import none_to_dict
from ase.calculators.calculator import Calculator
import torch
def _set_model_path(
model_path: PathLike | None = None,
kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> PathLike | torch.nn.Module | None:
Set `model_path`.
Path to MLIP file.
Dictionary of additional keyword arguments passed to the selected calculator.
PathLike | torch.nn.Module | None
Path to MLIP model file, loaded model, or None.
(kwargs,) = none_to_dict(kwargs)
# kwargs that may be used for `model_path`` for different MLIPs
# Note: "model" for chgnet (but not mace_mp or mace_off) and "potential" may refer
# to loaded PyTorch models
present = kwargs.keys() & {"model", "model_paths", "potential", "path"}
# Use model_path if specified, but check not also specified via kwargs
if model_path and present:
raise ValueError(
"`model_path` cannot be used in combination with 'model', "
"'model_paths', 'potential', or 'path'"
if len(present) > 1:
# Check at most one suitable kwarg is specified
raise ValueError(
"Only one of 'model', 'model_paths', 'potential', and 'path' can be "
if present:
# Set model_path from kwargs if any are specified
model_path = kwargs.pop(present.pop())
# Convert to path if file/directory exists
if isinstance(model_path, Path | str) and Path(model_path).expanduser().exists():
return Path(model_path).expanduser()
return model_path
def choose_calculator(
arch: Architectures = "mace",
device: Devices = "cpu",
model_path: PathLike | None = None,
) -> Calculator:
Choose MLIP calculator to configure.
MLIP architecture. Default is "mace".
Device to run calculator on. Default is "cpu".
Path to MLIP file.
Additional keyword arguments passed to the selected calculator.
Configured MLIP calculator.
MLIP module not correctly been installed.
Invalid architecture specified.
model_path = _set_model_path(model_path, kwargs)
if device not in get_args(Devices):
raise ValueError(f"`device` must be one of: {get_args(Devices)}")
if arch == "mace":
from mace import __version__
from mace.calculators import MACECalculator
# No default `model_path`
if model_path is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Please specify `model_path`, as there is no default model for {arch}"
# Default to float64 precision
kwargs.setdefault("default_dtype", "float64")
calculator = MACECalculator(model_paths=model_path, device=device, **kwargs)
elif arch == "mace_mp":
from mace import __version__
from mace.calculators import mace_mp
# Default to "small" model and float64 precision
model_path = model_path if model_path else "small"
kwargs.setdefault("default_dtype", "float64")
calculator = mace_mp(model=model_path, device=device, **kwargs)
elif arch == "mace_off":
from mace import __version__
from mace.calculators import mace_off
# Default to "small" model and float64 precision
model_path = model_path if model_path else "small"
kwargs.setdefault("default_dtype", "float64")
calculator = mace_off(model=model_path, device=device, **kwargs)
elif arch == "m3gnet":
from matgl import __version__, load_model
from matgl.apps.pes import Potential
from matgl.ext.ase import M3GNetCalculator
import torch
# Set before loading model to avoid type mismatches
kwargs.setdefault("stress_weight", 1.0 / 160.21766208)
# Use potential (from kwargs) if specified
# Otherwise, load the model if given a path, else use a default model
if isinstance(model_path, Potential):
potential = model_path
model_path = "loaded_Potential"
elif isinstance(model_path, Path):
if model_path.is_file():
model_path = model_path.parent
potential = load_model(model_path)
elif isinstance(model_path, str):
potential = load_model(model_path)
model_path = "M3GNet-MP-2021.2.8-DIRECT-PES"
potential = load_model(model_path)
calculator = M3GNetCalculator(potential=potential, **kwargs)
elif arch == "chgnet":
from chgnet import __version__
from chgnet.model.dynamics import CHGNetCalculator
from chgnet.model.model import CHGNet
import torch
# Set before loading to avoid type mismatches
# Use loaded model (from kwargs) if specified
# Otherwise, load the model if given a path, else use a default model
if isinstance(model_path, CHGNet):
model = model_path
model_path = "loaded_CHGNet"
elif isinstance(model_path, Path):
model = CHGNet.from_file(model_path)
elif isinstance(model_path, str):
model = CHGNet.load(model_name=model_path, use_device=device)
model_path = __version__
model = None
calculator = CHGNetCalculator(model=model, use_device=device, **kwargs)
elif arch == "alignn":
from alignn import __version__
from alignn.ff.ff import (
# Set default path to directory containing config and model location
if isinstance(model_path, Path):
if model_path.is_file():
model_path = model_path.parent
# If a string, assume referring to model_name e.g. "v5.27.2024"
elif isinstance(model_path, str):
model_path = get_figshare_model_ff(model_name=model_path)
model_path = default_path()
calculator = AlignnAtomwiseCalculator(path=model_path, device=device, **kwargs)
elif arch == "sevennet":
from sevenn import __version__
from sevenn.sevennet_calculator import SevenNetCalculator
import torch
# Set before loading model to avoid type mismatches
if isinstance(model_path, Path):
model_path = str(model_path)
elif not isinstance(model_path, str):
model_path = "SevenNet-0_11July2024"
kwargs.setdefault("file_type", "checkpoint")
kwargs.setdefault("sevennet_config", None)
calculator = SevenNetCalculator(model=model_path, device=device, **kwargs)
elif arch == "nequip":
from nequip import __version__
from nequip.ase import NequIPCalculator
# No default `model_path`
if model_path is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Please specify `model_path`, as there is no default model for {arch}"
model_path = str(model_path)
calculator = NequIPCalculator.from_deployed_model(
model_path=model_path, device=device, **kwargs
elif arch == "dpa3":
from deepmd import __version__
from deepmd.calculator import DP
# No default `model_path`
if model_path is None:
# From https://matbench-discovery.materialsproject.org/models/dpa3-v1-mptrj
raise ValueError(
"Please specify `model_path`, as there is no "
f"default model for {arch} "
"e.g. https://bohrium-api.dp.tech/ds-dl/dpa3openlam-74ng-v3.zip"
model_path = str(model_path)
calculator = DP(model=model_path, **kwargs)
elif arch == "orb":
from orb_models import __version__
from orb_models.forcefield.calculator import ORBCalculator
from orb_models.forcefield.graph_regressor import GraphRegressor
import orb_models.forcefield.pretrained as orb_ff
# Default model
model_path = model_path if model_path else "orb_v2"
if isinstance(model_path, GraphRegressor):
model = model_path
model_path = "loaded_GraphRegressor"
model = getattr(orb_ff, model_path.replace("-", "_"))()
except AttributeError as e:
raise ValueError(
"`model_path` must be a `GraphRegressor`, pre-trained model label "
"(e.g. 'orb-v2'), or `None` (uses default, orb-v2)"
) from e
calculator = ORBCalculator(model=model, device=device, **kwargs)
elif arch == "mattersim":
from mattersim import __version__
from mattersim.forcefield import MatterSimCalculator
from torch.nn import Module
# Default model
model_path = model_path if model_path else "mattersim-v1.0.0-5M"
if isinstance(model_path, Module):
potential = model_path
model_path = "loaded_Module"
potential = None
if isinstance(model_path, Path):
model_path = str(model_path)
calculator = MatterSimCalculator(
potential=potential, load_path=model_path, device=device, **kwargs
raise ValueError(
f"Unrecognized {arch=}. Suported architectures "
f"are {', '.join(Architectures.__args__)}"
calculator.parameters["version"] = __version__
calculator.parameters["arch"] = arch
calculator.parameters["model_path"] = str(model_path)
return calculator
def check_calculator(calc: Calculator, attribute: str) -> None:
Ensure calculator has ability to calculate properties.
If the calculator is a SumCalculator that inlcudes the TorchDFTD3Calculator, this
also sets the relevant function so that the MLIP component of the calculator is
used for properties unrelated to dispersion.
ASE Calculator to check.
Attribute to check calculator for.
# If dispersion added to MLIP calculator, use only MLIP calculator for calculation
if (
isinstance(calc, SumCalculator)
and len(calc.mixer.calcs) == 2
and calc.mixer.calcs[1].name == "TorchDFTD3Calculator"
and hasattr(calc.mixer.calcs[0], attribute)
setattr(calc, attribute, getattr(calc.mixer.calcs[0], attribute))
if not hasattr(calc, attribute) or not callable(getattr(calc, attribute)):
raise NotImplementedError(
f"The attached calculator does not currently support {attribute}"