Source code for janus_core.helpers.stats

"""Module that reads the md stats output timeseries."""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Iterator
from functools import singledispatchmethod
import re
from typing import TypeVar

from numpy import float64, genfromtxt, zeros
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from janus_core.helpers.janus_types import PathLike

try:  # Python >=3.10
    from types import EllipsisType
except ImportError:
    EllipsisType = type(...)

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] class Stats: """ Configure shared molecular dynamics simulation options. Parameters ---------- source File that contains the stats of a molecular dynamics simulation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, source: PathLike) -> None: """ Initialise MD stats reader. Parameters ---------- source File that contains the stats of a molecular dynamics simulation. """ self._data = zeros((0, 0)) self._labels = () self._units = () self._source = source
[docs] @singledispatchmethod def _getind(self, lab: T) -> T: """ Convert an index label from str to int if present in labels. Otherwise return the input. Parameters ---------- lab Label to find. Returns ------- int Index of label in self or input if not string. Raises ------ IndexError Label not found in labels. """ return lab
@_getind.register def _(self, lab: str) -> int: # numpydoc ignore=GL08 # Case-insensitive fuzzy match, only has to be `in` the labels index = next( ( index for index, label in enumerate(self.labels) if lab.lower() in label.lower() ), None, ) if index is None: raise IndexError(f"{lab} not found in labels") return index
[docs] @singledispatchmethod def __getitem__(self, ind) -> NDArray[float64]: """ Get member of stats data by label or index. Parameters ---------- ind Index or label to find. Returns ------- NDArray[float64] Columns of data by label. Raises ------ IndexError Invalid index type or label not found in labels. """ raise IndexError(f"Unknown index {ind}")
@__getitem__.register(int) @__getitem__.register(slice) @__getitem__.register(EllipsisType) def _(self, ind) -> NDArray[float64]: # numpydoc ignore=GL08 return[:, ind] @__getitem__.register(list) @__getitem__.register(tuple) def _(self, ind) -> NDArray[float64]: # numpydoc ignore=GL08 ind = list(map(self._getind, ind)) return[:, ind]
[docs] @__getitem__.register(str) def _(self, ind) -> NDArray[float64]: # numpydoc ignore=GL08 ind = self._getind(ind) return self[ind]
@property def rows(self) -> int: """ Return number of rows. Returns ------- int Number of rows in `data`. """ return[0] @property def columns(self) -> int: """ Return number of columns. Returns ------- int Number of columns in `data`. """ return[1] @property def source(self) -> PathLike: """ Return filename which is the source of data. Returns ------- PathLike Filename for the source of `data`. """ return self._source @property def labels(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Return a list of labels for the columns in `data`. Returns ------- tuple[str, ...] List of labels for the columns in `data`. """ return self._labels @property def units(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Return a list of units for the columns in `data`. Returns ------- tuple[str, ...] List of units for the columns in `data`. """ return self._units @property def data(self) -> NDArray[float64]: """ Return the timeseries `data`. Returns ------- NDArray[float64] Data for timeseries in `data`. """ return self._data @property def data_tags(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str]]: """ Return the labels and their units together. Returns ------- Iterator[tuple[str, str]] Zipped labels and units. """ return zip(self.labels, self.units, strict=True)
[docs] def read(self) -> None: """Read MD stats and store them in `data`.""" self._data = genfromtxt(self.source, skip_header=1) with open(self.source, "r+", encoding="utf-8") as file: head = file.readline().split("|") self._units = tuple( match[1] if (match :="\[(.+?)\]", x)) else "" for x in head ) self._labels = tuple(re.sub(r"\[.*?\]", "", x).strip() for x in head)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Summary of timeseries contained, units, headers. Returns ------- str Summary of the `data`. """ header = f"contains {self.columns} timeseries, each with {self.rows} elements" header += "\nindex label units" for index, (label, unit) in enumerate(self.data_tags): header += f"\n{index} {label} {unit}" return header