Source code for janus_core.processing.correlator

"""Module to correlate scalar data on-the-fly."""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Iterable

from ase import Atoms
import numpy as np

from janus_core.processing.observables import Observable

[docs] class Correlator: """ Correlate scalar real values, <ab>. Implements the algorithm detailed in Data pairs are observed iteratively and stored in a set of rolling hierarchical data blocks. Once a block is filled, coarse graining may be applied to update coarser block levels by updating the coarser block with the average of values accumulated up to that point in the filled block. The correlation is continuously updated when any block is updated with new data. Parameters ---------- blocks Number of correlation blocks. points Number of points per block. averaging Averaging window per block level. Attributes ---------- _max_block_used : int Which levels have been updated with data. _min_dist : int First point in coarse-grained block relevant for correlation updates. _accumulator : NDArray[float64] Sum of data seen for calculating the average between blocks. _count_accumulated : NDArray[int] Data points accumulated at this block. _shift_index : NDArray[int] Current position in each block's data store. _shift : NDArray[float64] Rolling data store for each block. _shift_not_null : NDArray[bool] If data is stored in this block's rolling data store, at a given index. _correlation : NDArray[float64] Running correlation values. _count_correlated : NDArray[int] Count of correlation updates for each block. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, blocks: int, points: int, averaging: int) -> None: """ Initialise an empty Correlator. Parameters ---------- blocks Number of resolution levels. points Data points at each resolution. averaging Coarse-graining between resolution levels. """ self._blocks = blocks self._points = points self._averaging = averaging self._max_block_used = 0 self._min_dist = self._points / self._averaging self._accumulator = np.zeros((self._blocks, 2)) self._count_accumulated = np.zeros(self._blocks, dtype=int) self._shift_index = np.zeros(self._blocks, dtype=int) self._shift = np.zeros((self._blocks, self._points, 2)) self._shift_not_null = np.zeros((self._blocks, self._points), dtype=bool) self._correlation = np.zeros((self._blocks, self._points)) self._count_correlated = np.zeros((self._blocks, self._points), dtype=int)
[docs] def update(self, a: float, b: float) -> None: """ Update the correlation, <ab>, with new values a and b. Parameters ---------- a Newly observed value of left correland. b Newly observed value of right correland. """ self._propagate(a, b, 0)
[docs] def _propagate(self, a: float, b: float, block: int) -> None: """ Propagate update down block hierarchy. Parameters ---------- a Newly observed value of left correland/average. b Newly observed value of right correland/average. block Block in the hierachy being updated. """ if block == self._blocks: # Hit the end of the data structure. return shift = self._shift_index[block] self._max_block_used = max(self._max_block_used, block) # Update the rolling data store, and accumulate self._shift[block, shift, :] = a, b self._accumulator[block, :] += a, b self._shift_not_null[block, shift] = True self._count_accumulated[block] += 1 if self._count_accumulated[block] == self._averaging: # Hit the coarse graining threshold, the next block can be updated. self._propagate( self._accumulator[block, 0] / self._averaging, self._accumulator[block, 1] / self._averaging, block + 1, ) # Reset the accumulator at this block level. self._accumulator[block, :] = 0.0 self._count_accumulated[block] = 0 # Update the correlation. i = self._shift_index[block] if block == 0: # Need to multiply by all in this block (full resolution). j = i for point in range(self._points): if self._shifts_valid(block, i, j): # Correlate at this lag. self._correlation[block, point] += ( self._shift[block, i, 0] * self._shift[block, j, 1] ) self._count_correlated[block, point] += 1 j -= 1 if j < 0: # Wrap to start of rolling data store. j += self._points else: # Only need to update after points/averaging. # The previous block already accounts for those points. for point in range(self._min_dist, self._points): if j < 0: j = j + self._points if self._shifts_valid(block, i, j): # Correlate at this lag. self._correlation[block, point] += ( self._shift[block, i, 0] * self._shift[block, j, 1] ) self._count_correlated[block, point] += 1 j = j - 1 # Update the rolling data store. self._shift_index[block] = (self._shift_index[block] + 1) % self._points
[docs] def _shifts_valid(self, block: int, p_i: int, p_j: int) -> bool: """ Return True if the shift registers have data. Parameters ---------- block Block to check the shift register of. p_i Index i in the shift (left correland). p_j Index j in the shift (right correland). Returns ------- bool Whether the shift indices have data. """ return self._shift_not_null[block, p_i] and self._shift_not_null[block, p_j]
[docs] def get_lags(self) -> Iterable[float]: """ Obtain the correlation lag times. Returns ------- Iterable[float] The correlation lag times. """ lags = np.zeros(self._points * self._blocks) lag = 0 for i in range(self._points): if self._count_correlated[0, i] > 0: # Data has been correlated, at full resolution. lags[lag] = i lag += 1 for k in range(1, self._max_block_used): for i in range(self._min_dist, self._points): if self._count_correlated[k, i] > 0: # Data has been correlated at a coarse-grained level. lags[lag] = float(i) * float(self._averaging) ** k lag += 1 return lags[0:lag]
[docs] def get_value(self) -> Iterable[float]: """ Obtain the correlation value. Returns ------- Iterable[float] The correlation values <a(t)b(t+t')>. """ correlation = np.zeros(self._points * self._blocks) lag = 0 for i in range(self._points): if self._count_correlated[0, i] > 0: # Data has been correlated at full resolution. correlation[lag] = ( self._correlation[0, i] / self._count_correlated[0, i] ) lag += 1 for k in range(1, self._max_block_used): for i in range(self._min_dist, self._points): # Indices less than points/averaging accounted in the previous block. if self._count_correlated[k, i] > 0: # Data has been correlated at a coarse-grained level. correlation[lag] = ( self._correlation[k, i] / self._count_correlated[k, i] ) lag += 1 return correlation[0:lag]
[docs] class Correlation: """ Represents a user correlation, <ab>. Parameters ---------- a Observable for a. b Observable for b. name Name of correlation. blocks Number of correlation blocks. points Number of points per block. averaging Averaging window per block level. update_frequency Frequency to update the correlation, md steps. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, a: Observable, b: Observable, name: str, blocks: int, points: int, averaging: int, update_frequency: int, ) -> None: """ Initialise a correlation. Parameters ---------- a Observable for a. b Observable for b. name Name of correlation. blocks Number of correlation blocks. points Number of points per block. averaging Averaging window per block level. update_frequency Frequency to update the correlation, md steps. """ = name self.blocks = blocks self.points = points self.averaging = averaging self._get_a = a self._get_b = b self._correlators = None self._update_frequency = update_frequency
@property def update_frequency(self) -> int: """ Get update frequency. Returns ------- int Correlation update frequency. """ return self._update_frequency
[docs] def update(self, atoms: Atoms) -> None: """ Update a correlation. Parameters ---------- atoms Atoms object to observe values from. """ # All pairs of data to be correlated. value_pairs = zip( self._get_a(atoms).flatten(), self._get_b(atoms).flatten(), strict=True ) if self._correlators is None: # Initialise correlators automatically. self._correlators = [ Correlator( blocks=self.blocks, points=self.points, averaging=self.averaging ) for _ in range(len(self._get_a(atoms).flatten())) ] for corr, values in zip(self._correlators, value_pairs, strict=True): corr.update(*values)
[docs] def get(self) -> tuple[Iterable[float], Iterable[float]]: """ Get the correlation value and lags, averaging over atoms if applicable. Returns ------- correlation : Iterable[float] The correlation values <a(t)b(t+t')>. lags : Iterable[float]] The correlation lag times t'. """ if self._correlators: lags = self._correlators[0].get_lags() return np.mean([cor.get_value() for cor in self._correlators], axis=0), lags return [], []
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return string representation of correlation. Returns ------- str String representation. """ return