"""Module for post-processing trajectories."""
from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Sequence
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
from ase import Atoms
from ase.geometry.analysis import Analysis
import numpy as np
from numpy import float64
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from janus_core.helpers.janus_types import (
from janus_core.helpers.utils import slicelike_to_startstopstep
def compute_rdf(
data: MaybeSequence[Atoms],
ana: Analysis | None = None,
filenames: MaybeSequence[PathLike] | None = None,
by_elements: bool = False,
rmax: float = 2.5,
nbins: int = 50,
elements: MaybeSequence[int | str] | None = None,
index: SliceLike = (0, None, 1),
volume: float | None = None,
) -> NDArray[float64] | dict[tuple[str, str] | NDArray[float64]]:
Compute the rdf of data.
data : MaybeSequence[Atoms]
Dataset to compute RDF of.
ana : Analysis | None
ASE Analysis object for data reuse.
filenames : MaybeSequence[PathLike] | None
Filenames to output data to. Must match number of RDFs computed.
by_elements : bool
Split RDF into pairwise by elements group. Default is False.
N.B. mixed RDFs (e.g. C-H) include all self-RDFs (e.g. C-C),
to get the pure (C-H) RDF subtract the self-RDFs.
rmax : float
Maximum distance of RDF.
nbins : int
Number of bins to divide RDF.
elements : MaybeSequence[int | str] | None
Make partial RDFs. If `by_elements` is true will filter to
only display pairs in list.
index : SliceLike
Images to analyze as:
`index` if `int`,
`start`, `stop`, `step` if `tuple`,
`slice` if `slice` or `range`.
volume : float | None
Volume of cell for normalisation. Only needs to be provided
if aperiodic cell. Default is (2*rmax)**3.
NDArray[float64] | dict[tuple[str, str] | NDArray[float64]]
If `by_elements` is true returns a `dict` of RDF by element pairs.
Otherwise returns RDF of total system filtered by elements.
index = slicelike_to_startstopstep(index)
if not isinstance(data, Sequence):
data = [data]
if elements is not None and not isinstance(elements, Sequence):
elements = (elements,)
if ( # If aperiodic, assume volume of a cube encompassing rmax sphere.
not all(data[0].get_pbc()) and volume is None
volume = (2 * rmax) ** 3
if ana is None:
ana = Analysis(data)
if by_elements:
elements = (
if elements is None
else elements
rdf = {
element: ana.get_rdf(
for element in combinations_with_replacement(elements, 2)
# Compute RDF average
rdf = {
element: (rdf[0][1], np.average([rdf_i[0] for rdf_i in rdf], axis=0))
for element, rdf in rdf.items()
if filenames is not None:
if isinstance(filenames, str) or not isinstance(filenames, Sequence):
filenames = (filenames,)
assert isinstance(filenames, Sequence)
if len(filenames) != len(rdf):
raise ValueError(
f"Different number of file names ({len(filenames)}) "
f"to number of samples ({len(rdf)})"
for (dists, rdfs), out_path in zip(rdf.values(), filenames):
with open(out_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_file:
for dist, rdf_i in zip(dists, rdfs):
print(dist, rdf_i, file=out_file)
rdf = ana.get_rdf(
assert isinstance(rdf, list)
# Compute RDF average
rdf = rdf[0][1], np.average([rdf_i[0] for rdf_i in rdf], axis=0)
if filenames is not None:
if isinstance(filenames, Sequence):
if len(filenames) != 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Different number of file names ({len(filenames)}) "
"to number of samples (1)"
filenames = filenames[0]
with open(filenames, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_file:
for dist, rdf_i in zip(*rdf):
print(dist, rdf_i, file=out_file)
return rdf
def compute_vaf(
data: Sequence[Atoms],
filenames: MaybeSequence[PathLike] | None = None,
use_velocities: bool = False,
fft: bool = False,
index: SliceLike = (0, None, 1),
filter_atoms: MaybeSequence[MaybeSequence[int | None]] = ((None),),
time_step: float = 1.0,
) -> tuple[NDArray[float64], list[NDArray[float64]]]:
Compute the velocity autocorrelation function (VAF) of `data`.
data : Sequence[Atoms]
Dataset to compute VAF of.
filenames : MaybeSequence[PathLike] | None
If present, dump resultant VAF to file.
use_velocities : bool
Compute VAF using velocities rather than momenta.
Default is False.
fft : bool
Compute the fourier transformed VAF.
Default is False.
index : SliceLike
Images to analyze as `start`, `stop`, `step`.
Default is all images.
filter_atoms : MaybeSequence[MaybeSequence[int | None]]
Compute the VAF averaged over subsets of the system.
Default is all atoms.
time_step : float
Time step for scaling lags to align with input data.
Default is 1 (i.e. no scaling).
lags : numpy.ndarray
Lags at which the VAFs have been computed.
vafs : list[numpy.ndarray]
Computed VAF(s).
`filter_atoms` is given as a series of sequences of atoms, where
each element in the series denotes a VAF subset to calculate and
each sequence determines the atoms (by index) to be included in that VAF.
.. code-block: Python
# Species indices in cell
na = (1, 3, 5, 7)
cl = (2, 4, 6, 8)
compute_vaf(..., filter_atoms=(na, cl))
Would compute separate VAFs for each species.
By default, one VAF will be computed for all atoms in the structure.
# Ensure if passed scalars they are turned into correct dimensionality
if not isinstance(filter_atoms, Sequence):
filter_atoms = (filter_atoms,)
if not isinstance(filter_atoms[0], Sequence):
filter_atoms = (filter_atoms,)
if filenames and not isinstance(filenames, Sequence):
filenames = (filenames,)
if len(filenames) != len(filter_atoms):
raise ValueError(
f"Different number of file names ({len(filenames)}) "
f"to number of samples ({len(filter_atoms)})"
# Extract requested data
index = slicelike_to_startstopstep(index)
data = data[slice(*index)]
if use_velocities:
momenta = np.asarray([datum.get_velocities() for datum in data])
momenta = np.asarray([datum.get_momenta() for datum in data])
n_steps = len(momenta)
n_atoms = len(momenta[0])
# If filter_atoms not specified use all atoms
filter_atoms = [
atom if atom[0] is not None else range(n_atoms) for atom in filter_atoms
used_atoms = {atom for atoms in filter_atoms for atom in atoms}
used_atoms = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(used_atoms)}
vafs = np.sum(
np.correlate(momenta[:, j, i], momenta[:, j, i], "full")[
n_steps - 1 :
for i in range(3)
for j in used_atoms
vafs /= n_steps - np.arange(n_steps)
lags = np.arange(n_steps) * time_step
if fft:
vafs = np.fft.fft(vafs, axis=0)
lags = np.fft.fftfreq(n_steps, time_step)
vafs = (
np.average([vafs[used_atoms[i]] for i in atoms], axis=0)
for atoms in filter_atoms
if filenames:
for vaf, filename in zip(vafs[1], filenames):
with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_file:
for lag, dat in zip(lags, vaf):
print(lag, dat, file=out_file)
return vafs